Kawasaki Ki-48 - Wikipedia
The Kawasaki Ki-48 (Japanese: 九九式雙發輕爆擊機, romanized: kyuukyuu-shiki-souhatu-keibaku-gekki, shortened to 'Soukei', Army Type 99 Twin-engined Light Bomber), is a Japanese twin-engine light bomber that was used during World War II. Its Allied reporting name was " Lily ".
九九式雙發輕轟炸機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
九九式雙發輕轟炸機(日語: 九九式双発軽爆撃機 )是1937年,日本帝國陸軍受到在中國戰場出現的蘇製SB-2輕型轟炸機的影響,要求川崎航空機研發的新式輕型轟炸機,此乃九九式雙發輕轟炸機(Ki-48)的由來。
九九式双发轻轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
九九式双发轻轰炸机(日语: 九九式双発軽爆撃機 )是1937年,日本帝国陆军受到在中国战场出现的苏制SB-2轻型轰炸机的影响,要求川崎航空机研发的新式轻型轰炸机,此乃九九式双发轻轰炸机(Ki-48)的由来。
Ki-48-II otsu - War Thunder Wiki
The Ki-48-II otsu is currently the only propeller-driven aircraft than can carry a guided missile, the Ki-148, and serves as a very unique collectible from the Missile Workshop event. At its battle rating, the enemy tanks you will be facing have little armour, and the Ki-148's 130 kg of TNT warhead will make short work of enemy units.
Tokushu Heiki: Ki-48-II Otsu & Ki-148 Missile - War Thunder
2023年9月22日 · This late war Ki-48-II model along with its special missile is coming to War Thunder as one of the many exciting prizes in the upcoming Tokushu Heiki crafting event starting on September 26th! Specially modified to carry the deadly Ki-148 — an experimental Japanese WWII air-to-ground missile — the Ki-48-II will join the early ranks of the ...
Kawasaki Ki-48 "Lily" - Warbirds Resource Group
Ki-48-Ia & Ki-48-IIa: Three 7.7mm machine guns on pivoted mounts in nose, dorsal and ventral positions. Ki-48-IIc: Same as Ki-48-Ia with addition of 12.7mm machine gun. Payload:
川崎Ki-48 - 华文百科 - wikii.one
川崎Ki-48 (日语:九九式双发九九式双发爆击机,罗马化: kyuukyuuu-shiki-souhatu-keibakau-keibaku-gekki ,被缩短为“ soukei”,sokei',陆军99型双引擎灯炸弹),是日本双胞胎) - 第二...
Japanese Aircraft of WWII: Kawasaki Ki-48 - Blogger
2015年3月3日 · This had the company designation Ki-48-II and differed from the earlier model by introducing a slightly lengthened fuselage, protected fuel tanks, armour protection for the crew, increased bombload and more powerful Nakajima Ha-U5 engines, an advanced version of the Ha-25 which incorporated a two-stage supercharger.
Warplanes of Japan: Kawasaki Ki-48 - silverhawkauthor.com
The Kawasaki Ki-48 (Japanese: 九九式雙發輕爆擊機, romanized: kyuukyuu-shiki-souhatu-keibaku-gekki, shortened to 'Soukei', Army Type 99 Twin-engined Light Bomber), was a Japanese twin-engine light bomber that was used during World War …
Japanese Aircraft of WWII: Kawasaki Ki-48 Redux - Blogger
Whereas the Type 99 Model 2a (Ki.48-IIa) was built as a level bomber, the Model 2b (Ki.48-IIb) was fitted with dive brakes under each wing, and was capable of dive-bombing attacks up to an angle of sixty degrees.
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