Kawasaki Ki-78 - Wikipedia
The Kawasaki Ki-78 was a high-speed research aircraft developed to investigate laminar profile wings with high wing loadings. Early in 1938, a high-speed research program was started at the Aeronautical Research Institute of the University of Tokyo for a small, single-seat aircraft.
ki-78 - 百度百科
ki-78是日本陆军X系列验证机之一,为研究高速液冷发动机战斗机而制造的研究机,1942年试飞,是日军当时速度最快的飞机,战后被美国缴获。 网页 新闻 贴吧 知道 网盘 图片 视频 地图 文库 资讯 采购 百科
496. 东瀛极速猎鸟,日本的He110——Ki-78(研三)高速验证机
2021年5月19日 · 因为这是他们继长距离记录机(航研机)、最高升限试验机(吕式B型)之后研制的第三种验证机,因此被称为“研三”机,陆军代号Ki-78。 图3.研三机,看起来很像He100
1301. 折断的飞矢——日本陆军Ki-78型高速试验机 - 网易
2024年11月3日 · 国外静态比例模型玩家制作的Ki-78模型,图中可以清楚看到位于机头的散热开口、位于左侧翼根的涡轮增压进气口和机体中后侧凸起上的纵向散热进气口
折斷的飛矢,揭秘舊日本陸軍Ki-78高速試驗機 - 每日頭條
2021年12月29日 · 為了適應高速飛行需求,Ki-78採用了當時日本最新研究出的「LB翼」型層流翼型,由於擔心在機翼製造過程中用於固定的鉚釘或其他凸起會在飛行過程中產生渦流從而增加阻力,因此在設計初期曾有整體鑄造成型的激進提議,不過受制於強度不足等原因
Kawasaki Ki-78 (KEN III) - Old Machine Press
2012年11月3日 · The Kawasaki Ki-78 was a high-speed research aircraft and possible world speed record contender. First flown in 1942, the aircraft experienced numerous difficulties, and its performance did not live up to expectations.
Japanese Aircraft of WWII: Kawasaki Ki-78
On 27 December, 1943, during its 31st flight, the Ki-78 reached a maximum speed of 699.6 km/h (434.9 mph) at 3,527 m (11,539 ft). This was considerably less than the speed of 850 km/h (528 mph) which had been set as the ultimate goal for the programme.
Warplanes of Japan: Kawasaki Ki-78 - silverhawkauthor.com
The Ki-78 was an all-metal, low wing monoplane of conventional layout. The small streamlined fuselage was made as narrow as possible and was 26 ft 7 in (8.1 m) long. The wings possessed a laminar flow airfoil with a span of 26 ft 3 in (8 m) and an area of 118.4 sq ft (11 sq m).
Kawasaki Ki-78 - Experimental high-speed fighter - AirPages
Ki-78 Ken III (Kensan III) is an experimental high-speed aircraft designed to study the properties of a laminar wing at high wing loads. In early 1938, a high-speed research program for a small single-seat aircraft was launched at the Institute of Aviation Research, University of Tokyo.
Kawasaki Ki-78: The Japanese Experimental Aircraft That ... - SlashGear
2023年4月2日 · With World War II breaking out, the project was commandeered by the Imperial Japanese Army, which saw the Kensan III as a potentially valuable asset to warfare. Now renamed the Ki-78, the...