Kioa Island Community Organisation (KICO) and climate change ...
The unique history of Kioa makes it a special destination for deep cultural engagement and learning ideal for those who want to unplug and enjoy the abundance of the land and sea. Tourism is not new on Kioa.
About - Kico
Established in 2015, we’re an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. It was not the intention of establishing the Kioa Island Community Organization (KICO) to transform Kioa into a "Western Urban City," but rather to help the community and individuals improve the quality of life in Kioa.
Kioa Island Community Organisation - Unitarian Universalist …
Kioa Island Community Organisation (KICO), was established in 2015 to address the following issues faced by the people of this island: internal displacement due to climate change, food and water insecurity, and women’s equity in business. UUSC is the first organization to support the people of Kioa since they settled on the island in 1946.
PRESS RELEASE ... - Kioa Island Community Organisation
2022年7月14日 · After moving into the island 76 years ago, from Vaitupu in Tuvalu, Kioa Island Community Organisation (KICO) produced its first-ever Lagitoki Strategic Plan 2022-202, designed to provide strategic directions and practical guidance to their partners, friends and emerging partners who are genuinely willing to provide support and affection to the ...
Tourism - Kico
2020年12月20日 · Dancing and feasting presided over Kioa in Cakaudrove as its people, now scattered around the Fiji group, converged at their island home on October this year to mark Kioa Day. The celebrations, which fall on Monday, October 26, marks the arrival of the Kioan Islanders from their original home in the village of Vaitupu on the then Ellice Islands ...
Located across Buca Bay from mainland Fiji, Kioa Island is resplendent with steep volcanic slopes and brightly wooded mountains. Fishing, handicraft, root farming, and copra processing for coconut oil generate just enough revenue to support the island. Although Kioans are citizens of Fiji, they have a history and culture all their own.
Partner Spotlight: KICO - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
2022年11月10日 · Since 2021, KICO has partnered with UUSC to provide Kioans with training in the latest climate-tolerant planting techniques of coconut, kava, taro, cassava, and sandalwood while also working with Kioan women to increase their …
Kioa Community Tourism Plan Nears Completion
2023年6月1日 · The Pacific Tourism Organisation’s (SPTO), Division of Sustainable Tourism has concluded a visit to Kioa Island, to engage with the community on the Draft Kioa Community Tourism Plan. Held from 3 rd – 5 th May, the consultations provided a valuable opportunity to present the draft plan to the Kioa Island Community Organisation (KICO ...
First UU Wilmington – Meet Maina Talia
2021年11月3日 · Maina Talia, the co-director of Kioa Island Community Organization (KICO), explains that the people of Kioa are working to improve farming yields, provide access to fresh water, and train community members in agroforestry. Their goal is to preserve their culture and establish a resilient future for generations to come.
UUSC Supports Pacific Islanders’ Fight for Climate Justice
2022年6月9日 · UUSC visits Pacific islands to develop new ways of addressing the climate crisis. UUSC and its three partners—Climate Tok, Pacific Climate Warriors (PCW), and Kioa Island Community Organization (KICO)—are convening during the month of June to discuss the impacts of climate change on Pacific island nations.