Kiiking - Wikipedia
Kiiking (Estonian pronunciation: [ˈkiːkiŋ]) is a sport which involves a person making a swing gain increasingly more momentum, to pass over the spindle with the longest shafts possible. It was …
Inside the High-Flying World of Estonian Extreme Swinging
2017年2月9日 · Kiiking, as the sport of extreme swinging is known (“kiik” is “swing” in Estonian), is fairly young, having first been introduced in the early 1990s, but it has deep roots in Estonia’s …
Going Full Circle: Kiiking in Estonia - stowawaymag.byu.edu
2013年9月1日 · While people in many countries participate in kiiking, it is a distinctly Estonian sport. Kiik means “swing” in Estonian, and Estonian village squares always feature large …
EESTI KIIKINGULIIT on organisatsioon, mis tegeleb kiikingu kui spordiala edendamise, arendamise ning koordineerimisega. Liit ühendab kiikinguga tegelevaid spordiklubisid, …
TheKiiking - YouTube
Kiiking is for those, who need adrenaline, are brave and strong. In kiiking the goal looks pretty simple -- You must just do at least one 360 degrees turn (full round) on the kiiking-swing ...
Extreme swinging - findingestonia.com
2023年10月6日 · Ever thought of looping 360 degrees on a swing? Invented in Estonia, the sport of kiiking is just that; to win, you go full circle at a longer swing-arm length than other …
About Kiiking - Kiiking.com
The aim of Kiiking, as a sport, is to get over-the-spindle with the longest shaft. To add a centimetre to the shaft is making the getting over-the-spindle for the athlete as difficult as …
这是极限运动:爱沙尼亚360度秋千 - 搜狐
2017年2月15日 · 这种极限荡秋千也被称作Kiiking (在爱沙尼亚语中kiik是荡秋千的意思)。 20世纪90年代被引进的它,仍然比较年轻,但它却已深深地植根于爱沙尼亚的文化之中。 三百六十 …
More of History of Kiiking – Eesti Kiikinguliit
Kiiking is a sport invented and promoted in Estonia, which involves a person making a swing gain increasingly more momentum. The goal is to pass over the spindle with the longest shafts …
Home - Kiiking.com
What is kiiking ? The sport full of adrenaline. Amusing entertainment for the whole family. Efficient universal physical training. Attractive magnet on the outdoor events