Kiiking - Wikipedia
Kiiking (Estonian pronunciation: [ˈkiːkiŋ]) is a sport which involves a person making a swing gain increasingly more momentum, to pass over the spindle with the longest shafts possible. It was invented in Estonia by Ado Kosk in 1993; [1] in Estonian, kiik means a swing.
Inside the High-Flying World of Estonian Extreme Swinging
2017年2月9日 · Kiiking, as the sport of extreme swinging is known (“kiik” is “swing” in Estonian), is fairly young, having first been introduced in the early 1990s, but it has deep roots in Estonia’s cultural...
Going Full Circle: Kiiking in Estonia - stowawaymag.byu.edu
2013年9月1日 · While people in many countries participate in kiiking, it is a distinctly Estonian sport. Kiik means “swing” in Estonian, and Estonian village squares always feature large wooden swings that carry anywhere from two to ten people. Traditionally, the back-and-forth, give-and-take motion of the swing represents the rhythm of the swingers ...
EESTI KIIKINGULIIT on organisatsioon, mis tegeleb kiikingu kui spordiala edendamise, arendamise ning koordineerimisega. Liit ühendab kiikinguga tegelevaid spordiklubisid, fikseerib rekordeid ja tippmarke. Samuti aitame kaasa, et kiiking jõuaks erinevatele üritusele! Kui soovid kiikingut oma üritusele, siis oled õiges kohas. Rohkem infot.
TheKiiking - YouTube
Kiiking is for those, who need adrenaline, are brave and strong. In kiiking the goal looks pretty simple -- You must just do at least one 360 degrees turn (full round) on the kiiking-swing ...
Extreme swinging - findingestonia.com
2023年10月6日 · Ever thought of looping 360 degrees on a swing? Invented in Estonia, the sport of kiiking is just that; to win, you go full circle at a longer swing-arm length than other competitors. Crazy though it sounds, Estonians take it seriously.
About Kiiking - Kiiking.com
The aim of Kiiking, as a sport, is to get over-the-spindle with the longest shaft. To add a centimetre to the shaft is making the getting over-the-spindle for the athlete as difficult as adding a centimetre to the high bar for high jumpers.
这是极限运动:爱沙尼亚360度秋千 - 搜狐
2017年2月15日 · 这种极限荡秋千也被称作Kiiking (在爱沙尼亚语中kiik是荡秋千的意思)。 20世纪90年代被引进的它,仍然比较年轻,但它却已深深地植根于爱沙尼亚的文化之中。 三百六十度秋千爱好者Raili Laansalu从八岁开始挑战这种极限运动,她说:“木秋千在爱沙尼亚文化中占很大一部分,你在爱沙尼亚各地都能找到木制秋千。 有时候人们会在庆典期间聚集在秋千旁边,一起荡秋千并唱歌。 ”目前她的家人经营着第一个三百六十度秋千网站Kiiking.com。 如今,爱沙尼亚全国 …
More of History of Kiiking – Eesti Kiikinguliit
Kiiking is a sport invented and promoted in Estonia, which involves a person making a swing gain increasingly more momentum. The goal is to pass over the spindle with the longest shafts possible. Kiiking begins when a person’s feet are higher than the …
Home - Kiiking.com
What is kiiking ? The sport full of adrenaline. Amusing entertainment for the whole family. Efficient universal physical training. Attractive magnet on the outdoor events