Kingsley Leung (CFA, AHKIoD, EMBA, MSc) - uni-bioscience.com
Mr. Leung has over 15 years’ experience in the life science and finance industries. Currently, he is the Chairman of Uni-Bio Science Group and also serves as Director in both Great Bay Bio and DotBio.
Kingsley Leung - Tatler Asia
In 2019, Kingsley Leung, chairman of traditional pharmaceutical R&D company Uni-Bio Science Group, spotted an opportunity to use AI and robotics to dramatically improve the drug development process. As a result, he spun off a new company, Great Bay Bio , which makes developing new medicines faster and more efficient, potentially reducing both ...
Kingsley Leung, CFA - Chairman - Uni-Bio Science Group Limited ...
View Kingsley Leung, CFA’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Biotech Enthusiast | Venture Builder | EY EOY I HK Young Industrialist Awardee | Gen.T Honoree l YPO...
- 职位: Biotech Enthusiast | Venture …
- 位置: Uni-Bio Science Group Limited 联康生物科技集团有限公司
- 500+ 连接数
Kingsley Leung, Chairman of GBB, Awarded the Gen.T Social …
2021年9月8日 · Given the wrath of pandemic, Mr. Kingsley Leung led GBB to apply the cutting-edge AI technology to bio-pharmaceutical industry, and guided GBB in financing, R&D, production, sales, business cooperation and other crucial works indispensable for …
Kingsley Leung, Chairman of Great Bay Bio, Awarded the EY …
2023年12月13日 · 大湾生物董事长兼联合创始人梁国龙凭借杰出的社会影响力,以及践行让全球生物工艺开发更简单更高效的执着追求,荣膺安永企业家奖2023殊荣。 安永企业家奖2023颁奖典礼. 大湾生物董事长梁国龙荣膺安永企业家奖2023殊荣. 安永企业家奖被商界誉为全球最具影响力的国际商业奖项之一,媲美电影界的“奥斯卡”。 今年的安永企业家奖评选活动以“融通创机遇 携手谱华章”为主题,由社会及商界的领袖和专家,以及安永企业家奖过往获奖者组成的独立评选团通 …
梁國龍 - Tatler Asia
In 2019, Kingsley Leung, chairman of traditional pharmaceutical R&D company Uni-Bio Science Group, spotted an opportunity to use AI and robotics to dramatically improve the drug development process. As a result, he spun off a new company, Great Bay Bio , which makes developing new medicines faster and more efficient, potentially reducing both ...
Kingsley Leung, CFA - Chairman and Co-Founder at Great Bay Bio …
Kingsley Leung, CFA has a long history of work experience. Starting in 2007, they worked as a Private Wealth Management Summer Analyst for Goldman Sachs. In 2008, they moved to Merrill Lynch as a Healthcare Investment Banking Analyst. In 2010, they became an Investment Analyst for Synergy Investment Management Group Limited.
Kingsley Leung - Head of Supply Chain and Manufacturing
Experienced supply chain director with a strong background in the medical device manufacturing industry. Proven expertise in strategic sourcing, procurement, supplier management,...
- 职位: Experienced Supply Chain and …
- 位置: Microbio
- 人脉数: 428
Kingsley Leung - Atlanta, Georgia, United States - LinkedIn
Medical Student at Emory School of Medicine · Experience: Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University · Education: Emory University School of Medicine · Location: Atlanta · 500+ connections...
- 职位: Medical Student at Emory …
- 位置: Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University
- 500+ 连接数
Kingsley Leung: Positions, Relations and Network - MarketScreener
2025年1月30日 · Kingsley Leung is the founder of Great Bay Bio Holdings Ltd. He currently holds multiple positions including Chairman at Uni-Bio Science Group Ltd., Director at Greater Bay Capital Ltd., Associate at The Hong Kong Institute of Directors, and Member at The Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts.
About GBB - Great Bay Bio
Mr. Leung has over 15 years’ experience in the life science and finance industries. Currently, he is the Chairman of Great Bay Bio and also serves as Director in both Uni-bio Science Group and DotBio.
Great Bay Bio’s Kingsley Leung on harnessing AI to halve drug ...
Great Bay Bio's co-founder, Kingsley Leung, explains how the company's solution can lower medication costs while supporting pharmaceutical innovations.
Kingsley Leung - Chairman and Co-Founder - Crunchbase
Mr. Liang is currently the chairman and co-founder of Hong Kong Liankang Biotechnology Group (690.HK); Before joining Liankang Bio, Mr. Liang had extensive work experience in biotechnology startups, family funds and the three major foreign investment banks. During his tenure, he led and supported the completion of six drug licensing.
Kingsley Leung, Uni-Bio Science Group Ltd: Profile and Biography
Kingsley Leung is Chairman/Exec Dir at Uni-Bio Science Group Ltd. See Kingsley Leung's compensation, career history, education, & memberships.
Kingsley Leung, Chairman of Great Bay Bio, Awarded the Ernst
2023年12月15日 · Kingsley Leung, Chairman of Great Bay Bio, Awarded the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2023. 2023-12-15
Kingsley Leung, CFA’s Post - LinkedIn
Great Bay Bio 大湾生物 董事长兼联合创始人 Kingsley Leung, CFA 梁国龙先生凭借杰出的社会影响力,以及践行让全球生物工艺开发更简单更高效的执着追求,荣膺安永企业家奖2023殊荣。 安永企业家奖被商界誉为全球最具影响力的国际商业奖项之一,媲美电影界的“奥斯卡”。 今年的安永企业家奖评选活动以“融通创机遇...
Modern Heroes: Kingsley Leung - PressReader
2022年6月1日 · He is the chairman of pharmaceutical R&D company Uni-bio Science Group, and also of Great Bay Bio, which uses AI and big data to make the process of developing new medicines faster and more efficient, halving the time it takes and reducing the risks.
Mr. Kingsley Leung, Chairman of Great Bay Bio, Won 2020 Hong …
2020年11月13日 · Mr. Kingsley Leung, Chairman of Great Bay Bio, Won 2020 Hong Kong Young Industrialist Award 2020-11-13 [香港,2020年11月13日] 近日,一年一度的YIAH&IOY颁奖典礼暨晚宴如期举行,专注于以人工智能开发生物医药的大湾生物董事长梁国龙先生被授予“香港青年工业 …
大湾生物董事长梁国龙荣膺Gen.T2021年度“中国社会影响力奖”与“ …
【香港,2021年9月18日】近日,大湾生物董事长梁国龙先生荣膺2021年中国社会影响奖与新锐先锋双奖殊荣,成功入选Gneration Top 10。 https://generationt.asia/people/kingsley-leung. 2021年度中国社会影响奖旨在表彰和颂扬各行各业和各类规模的企业为中国社会和环境带来的积极影响所做出的努力和取得的成就,鼓励和提高中国企业的责任意识,激励公司和个人对社会产生积极的变化和影响,将社区的个人和企业聚集在一起,分享对社会产生积极影响的想法、经验和方法。 …
Kingsley Leung, CFA on LinkedIn: Uni-Bio
In China, Suzhou Highfine Biotech Co. and Cheng Du Sheng Nuo Biotec Co. jumped by the 20% daily limit, while peers Sinopep-Allsino Bio Pharmaceutical Co. and Innovent Biologics Inc. …