CS vs CK? - TractorByNet
2014年4月27日 · To help give you an idea, the Kioti CK could be compared to your 2200lb Hew Holland TC30. The CS is to small to be in that same category. Comparing both the 25hp versions of the CS and CK are as follows: CS2510 ~1500lbs, SL2410 Loader lift at pins: 675lbs SB2410L backhoe digging force: 2100lbs CK2510 ~2300lbs. KL2510 Loader lift at pins: 1092lbs
Difference Between CK, DK, and NX line - TractorByNet
2014年6月7日 · Don't know Kioti's marketing strategy, of course, but I suspect that the success of the NX series, coupled with the popularity of the existing DK and CK series led them to add "deluxe" features to the DK and CK and offer them as the new DK10SE and CK10SE series. For sure, nothing beats actually kicking the tires.
Kioti CK30 Resource Page - TractorByNet
2015年9月1日 · Kioti CK HST Model Year: 2007 Purchased used in excellent condition. Have been using this tractor for a little over a year. Replaced an old LK gear model. The HST feature is nice when using the loader. I have used the tractor with a box blade, middle buster, Ratchet Rake, brush cutter mower and it handles all attachments extremely well.
Kioti filter cross reference number list (all models)
2007年6月11日 · Kioti Filter part numbers for DK45S FC44xxxxx (2006 model) Engine Oil Filter: 6201-32443 Hydro Oil Filter: T4620-38032 Air Filter (outer): E7230-11081 (Donaldson P822768) Fuel Filter: T4682-43172 Note, this is a spin-on type fuel filter. Some sources show an incorrect cartridge-type fuel filter.
Kioti CK2610 vs CK2620? - TractorByNet
2021年2月25日 · According to the Kioti website, it appears a mid PTO is available on the CK2620. To the best of my knowledge, that was never available on the 2610. I also believe it is a different loader? So, looking around, Very briefly, a CK2620 starts right around $22,500-24,000. You should be able to find a CK2610 for sub $18,500 with Very low hours/years.
Kioti CK20 Resource Page - TractorByNet
2013年11月14日 · Kioti CK 20 HST Model Year: 2003 After 800 hours of very hard use loading dirt, digging ditches, box blading, raking, plowing and blowing snow. The only major problem has been the infamous cracked loader problem, subsequently remediated by Kioti.
KIOTI SAE 80W-90 gear oil or transmission fluid. KIOTI Multi Purpose Anti-wear Hydraulic Fluid ISO Viscosity Grade 32 Example: KIOTI AW 32,Shell Tellus 32 Potential Engine Oil Supplier, Name, and Weight KIOTI Engine Oil Chevron Delo 400 …
CK series engine HP differences - tuning only - TractorByNet
2017年2月2日 · It appears the CK line uses the same engine model across 3 HP options. 25, 34 and 39. Out of the box, from Daedong, engine model 3A165LW come stock tuned for 34hp per their web site. Does anyone know the secret to "unlock" or …
Oil & Fuel - location of Feul relay on CK 30 HST - TractorByNet
2011年5月5日 · I have 2007 Kioti CK 30 HST that cranks but won't start. I have had this problem off and on a few weeks ago but it went away. This morning it started right up for the first few times but that's it. I opened the hood to check for any loose connections and nothing seems to be loose.
Kioti ck3510 vs dk 4210 - TractorByNet
2021年11月25日 · Looking between these two models. I compared on Kioti website just wondering if there’s a real-world noticeable difference. Wanting either shuttle or hst and primarily going to use FEL (mainly for snow, little dirt, little dry gravel), a …