Kire Icev: Positions, Relations and Network - MarketScreener
2013年4月22日 · Kire Icev is currently working as the Director-General of the Services Department at Alkaloid AD Skopje. Corporate Officer/Principal at Alkaloid AD Skopje, Discover Kire Icev's known position history, network and 22 relationships. Find out …
Kire Icev - Facebook
Kire Icev is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Kire Icev and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.
Biography of Kire Icev - The Official Board
2024年10月6日 · Kire Icev is currently Member of the Management Board and Director of the General Services Department at Alkaloid - View - Alkaloid org chart. Create your alert to follow the career of Kire Icev.
English - Managing board
President of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of Alkaloid AD Skopje. Holds a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering and a postgraduate degree from the Chartered Institute of Marketing in London, UK. Member of the Management Board since 2004, appointed for President of the Management Board in 2007.
Alkaloid - Upravni odbor
Predsednik Upravnog Odbora i Generalni direktor kompanije Alkaloid AD Skopje. Diplomirani inženjer mašinstva sa Master diplomom Chartered Intitute of Marketing, London, Velika Britanija. Član je Upravnog Odbora od 2004 g., naimenovan je za predsednika Upravnog Odbora 2007 g. Odgovoran je za celokupno poslovanje Alkaloid Grupe.
Corporate governance - Alkaloid
Kire Icev. Member of the Management Board and Director of General Services Department
kire icev Član Upravnog odbora i Direktor odjela za opće poslove Doktor prava, profesor i bivši dekan Pravnog fakulteta „Justinian Prvi“ Sveučilišta sv.
Корпоративна структура - Alkaloid
Кире Ицев (Kire Icev) Член на Управителния съвет и Директор на Отдел „Общо обслужване“. Доктор на юридическите науки, Професор по право и бивш декан на Юридическия факултет „Юстиниан I” в ...
Corporate structure - Alkaloid
Kire Icev. Member of the Management Board and Director of General Services Department
Structura corporativă - Alkaloid
Kire Icev Membru al Consiliului de Administrație și Director al Departamentului Servicii Generale Profesor Doctor în Drept și fost Decan al Facultății de Drept „Justinian I” de la „Sf.