kirikiri VN engine - Lemma Soft Forums - Ren'Ai
2018年11月18日 · The situation around kirikiri in Japan is just like Ren'py in the world. Most Japanese use kirikiri or NScripter, and few use Ren'py. This is mainly because they don't feel inconvenience about such tools, and Ren'py infomation in Japanese language is far less.
Ren'Py vs kirikiri2 - Lemma Soft Forums
2020年7月28日 · I don't know so much about Kirikiri, and I'm not trying to brown-nose, but having the software engine creator be a very active, sharing member of the community is kind of a big deal to me. I had tried a lot of different software packages before discovering Ren'Py.
kirikiri VN engine - Page 2 - Lemma Soft Forums - Ren'Ai
2016年4月10日 · Re: kirikiri VN engine #16 Post by Bulopu » Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:42 am Me wrote: Edit: I know how to handle the script but when it comes to create a main menu, I don't know how to do this, what documentation I need to refer myself.
Getting started with Kirikiri Z - Lemma Soft Forums - Ren'Ai
2017年4月30日 · I successfully built the Kirikiri Z VN Engine from source on my Windows 10 machine. After this I followed the translated tutorials for the Kirikiri VN Engine. I have created the relevant folder structure as well as the required startup.tjs and first.ks file …
Kirikiri Unencypted Archives - Lemma Soft Forums - Ren'Ai
2024年4月15日 · I'm trying to compress the game 9-nine-:Episode 1, which uses the Kirikiri engine. Because the data files are encrypted, I can't compress it as efficiently as I could be. I have been able to use GARbro to extract some of the archives (when they don't have multiple files with the same name), and tried to use KirikiriTools' Xp3Pack and version ...
Kirikiri Z Clang build - Lemma Soft Forums
Kirikiri Z Clang build. For discussion and support of other visual novel engines. 1 post • Page 1 of 1.
[Picture/TJS/HTML5/Python] I want to make a sample game that …
2020年7月28日 · My port of Kirikiri is getting to a point where other people can use it to create games on it, and publish it on a web server. On this thread on the /news4vip/ board on 5ch, xyx0no646 is requesting assistance with creating a template for my new engine, so I would appreciate it if you took a look.
Kirikiri SDL2 - Lemma Soft Forums
2020年2月10日 · Kirikiri SDL2, a project for running Kirikiri programs on non-Windows platforms compatible with SDL2, has ...
Ren'Py vs KAG/KAGEX - Lemma Soft Forums
2021年2月8日 · KiriKiri, Suika2, Onscripter, Ponscripter are all pretty snappy. Heck even the beffy Onscripter-ru runs pretty well. It's not that Renpy itself is slow, it's just that Ons and Krkr are lighter. For the Wordwrapping I'll use Nagatos code. It's more or less drag and drop anyway. Thanks for your work.
Gallery lock and unlock code - Lemma Soft Forums
2020年5月16日 · Hello everyone I'm new to renpy coding , last two days onwards iam struggling with to add lock and unlock code in gallery, the created gallery code is working fine but i don't know how to add lock and unlock the gallery when playing the player . soo i think you will help to add lock and unlocking coding . , please help me to add LOCK and UNLOCK in this code