Kirov airship (Red Alert 3) - Command & Conquer Wiki
The Kirov Airship was a Soviet bomber airship during the Third World War and the Uprising. Named for its maiden launch over Kirov oblast, the Kirov Airship was a massive dirigible, protected by a...
红警2小科普(9)——基洛夫空艇 - 哔哩哔哩
基洛夫空艇是整个游戏中最具标志性的兵种,它代表着苏军绝对体型、力量、坚定与信仰。 它装备着非常厚重的装甲,携带着硕大无比的航空炸弹,只需一颗,就能给一座大型建筑物带来严重的损害,其产生的冲击波也足以震死绝大多数步兵,甚至掀翻坦克。 虽然它速度十分缓慢,但是它可以承受大量的防空火力而不被击落,一旦它飞到了敌军基地上空,那就是敌军的末日来临了。 可谓极具威慑力的兵种。 游戏中空投炸弹的基洛夫空艇. 请注意: ①基洛夫空艇在建造完毕升空时 …
基洛夫飞艇(Kirov Airship)是即时战略游戏《 红色警戒2 》和《尤里的复仇》中苏联空军单位,拥有强大的攻击防御能力,是公认的《红色警戒》标志性兵种。
Soviet Kirov Airship - Red Alert 3 - GameReplays.org
The Kirov Airship is the Soviet's main bomber air unit. These units are extremely slow and cumbersome but if they get over a target, it is as good as dead. The damage this unit deals to every type of unit on the ground is huge and is an extremely effective base killer.
RA3 Unit Profile - Soviet Kirov & Allied Prospector
2008年6月28日 · Whats better than one unit profile update on the Official Red Alert 3 Site? Two of them of course. And thats exactly whats available now as both the Soviet Kirov Airship and Allied Prospector have been profiled. Here is a sample from Kirov profile. The unprecedented new Kirov Airship symbolizes t...
红警2基洛夫飞艇攻击台词大全 - 百度知道
游戏内的场景地图包括岛屿,山地,平原三种类型,玩家可以自行选择地图的条件以创建地图。 玩家在地图中作战,地图是该游戏的重要组成部分。 地图共有三种地形,分为山地、平地、水域,在平地上可以建造建筑。 山地可以当做自然防御的屏障。 水域可能会出现海战。 在部分地区可能有采矿场,玩家可以指挥采矿车到采矿场。 红警2基洛夫飞艇攻击台词大全Kirov reporting。 基洛夫报到。 Helium mix optimal。 氦已最佳混合。 Airship ready。 飞艇就绪Acknowledged。 收 …
基洛夫空艇(红色警戒2) - 语音维基
基洛夫空艇移动速度异常缓慢,同时生命值与伤害力异常高使它有着独特的名声。 Kirov reporting. Acknowledged. Airship ready. Helium mix optimal. Setting new course. Maneuver props engaged. Bearing set. Bombing bay's ready. Target acquired. Closing on target. Bombardiers to your station. Mayday! 救命! We are losing altitude! 我们在坠落! She's going to blow! 飞艇就要炸了! Duck and cover! 卧倒并掩护!
红警里的单位都说了什么?——基洛夫空艇 - 哔哩哔哩
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C&C Red Alert 3 - Kirov vs Kirov X2 - YouTube
2020年9月9日 · If you love 🍍 Red alert 3Please Don't Forget To Subscribe, Like And Share 😍.#Redalert3 #Ra3Thanks for watching :D. Please leave your like/ comments and don...
Kirov Airship (Red Alert 3) | Command and Conquer Wiki | Fandom
Kirov Airship is a massive Soviet aircraft used during the Third World War. It is a Soviet icon and one of the most feared units in the Soviet arsenal. Highly destructive and able to repair itself, should it sustain damage, the Kirov Airships of the new timeline is very similar to its previous...