GS Kixx凯升 - 一路伴我行 | Kixx 官网
Kixx凯升作为韩国GS Caltex旗下的润滑油品牌,拥有全系列车用发动机油,乘用车润滑油、商用车润滑油、工业油、工程机械油。
Base Oils < Business | GSCaltex
Base oil is a major raw material that accounts for over 80% of lubricants. High quality base oil is essential to producing high quality lubricants. Kixx LUBO has outstanding low temperature properties and high viscosity index. It provides the key to producing the finest quality lubricants that satisfy stringent rules and complex demands.
Kixx 韓國銷售第一機油 | Pro愛車養護專家-禾久eShop
韓國規模最大的民營煉油公司 GS Caltex 擁有世界規模排名第四的麗水煉油廠,以先進的加氫裂解設備生產最高品質的基礎油「Kixx LUBO」,更是全球銷售排名第三的基礎油供應商,Kixx 機油在自有質量精純基礎油的基礎下,提供愛車最頂級的性能表現。
윤활유 < Business | GS칼텍스
고객이 원하는 최적의 윤활유 제품을 만들기 위해 자체 생산한 고품질 베이스오일을 사용하고 혁신 기술을 적용하여 엄격하게 관리한 180여 종의 Kixx 윤활유 제품을 생산하고 있습니다.
Lubricating Oil < Business | GSCaltex
GS Caltex uses base oil sourced internally as the feedstock to produce about 180 types of lubricants bearing the Kixx brand. We apply innovative technology and practice rigorous control to deliver optimal products to our customers.
GS Caltex介绍 | Kixx 官网
Kixx凯升作为润滑油品牌,正成长为一个全球品牌,基础油已成GS Caltex的核心产业。 GS Caltex是韩国第一家私营石油公司。 GS Caltex的出口额占其销售额的70%以上。 GS Caltex最初的原油提炼能力为每天6万桶,现在每天能够提炼80万桶原油,其产能位居,世界第四。
Kixx Newsroom
2024年9月10日 · Kixx Global Newsroom - The official site of GS Caltex's lubricants brand, Kixx. Explore updates on the latest news, stories and media resources from Kixx.
GS集团介绍 | Kixx 官网 - kixxoil.com.cn
Kixx凯升作为韩国GS Caltex旗下的润滑油品牌,资产规模在财界排名第8位,连续多年名列美国《财富》世界500强企业,荣获了韩国First Brand 第一品牌奖润滑油品类的大奖。
Kixx凯升 - 百度百科
Kixx凯升润滑油采用“三双”(Triple Double)技术,由GS Caltex经过广泛研究和测试开发而成,“三双”(Triple Double)技术与“三重防护”(Triple Anti)技术和双重强化(Double Boosting)技术相辅相成:
Kixx Engine Oil & Lubricant Product Walkthrough - Kixx …
2020年8月25日 · The most trusted engine oil brand in Korea, Kixx will continue to underpin the driving experience with its expansive range of product offerings. For more information on Kixx’s product lineup, visit KixxOil.com .