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Mobile forms Your Data, Your Way, On the Go - Kizeo Forms
Kizeo Forms allows you to easily capture and manage data from anywhere, at any time. Customise your forms, integrate multimedia, and collect information in real time with a user-friendly mobile app. Say goodbye to paperwork and streamline your data collection process.
Home - Kizeo
We specialise in developing and marketing SaaS solutions for professionals all over the world. Just like our founder Philippe Gellet, Kizeo cultivates a straightforward company spirit in tune with the times. We see the challenges of our century as opportunities.
Kizeo Forms - Kizeo
Kizeo Forms is made up of two tools: a web platform (Back Office) that allows you to configure the solution, manage users and create custom forms (site monitoring, time sheets, etc.), paired with a mobile application for data collection.
Kizeo Forms, Mobile forms - Apps on Google Play
2024年5月18日 · Kizeo Forms simplifies and enhances your business processes. Effortlessly create customised forms, distribute them to your field teams instantly, and gather accurate data in real-time....
Kizeo Forms - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft …
REPLACE YOUR PAPER FORMS WITH YOUR MOBILE OR TABLET! Whatever your job, your teams will have a real mobile tool and will be able to capture the information gathered in the field in real time! *Create your own forms that will perfectly fit your needs and your profession!
Kizeo Forms - formulaires mobiles puissants
Adoptez une approche 100 % zéro papier avec les formulaires mobiles Kizeo Forms. Centralisez, sauvegardez et accédez à vos données en ligne pour une gestion simplifiée et respectueuse de l’environnement. Simplifiez vos processus tout en contribuant à …
Kizeo Forms, Mobile forms 4+ - App Store
2019年5月14日 · REPLACE YOUR PAPER FORMS WITH YOUR MOBILE OR TABLET! Regardless of your activity, your teams will have a true mobile tool and will be able to capture the information from the field in real time! —> You will be able to: *Create your own forms that will perfectly fit your needs and your profession!
Kizeo Forms – Applications sur Google Play
Kizeo Forms simplifie et optimise vos processus métier. Créez facilement des formulaires personnalisés, distribuez-les instantanément à vos équipes terrain, et collectez des données précises...