로봇측정전문 - KJP 기술
ISO 9283 Calibration of Robot from ARMS 3차원 측정결과를 이용한 로봇 교정데이터생성
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ISO 9283 Pose Accuracy of Robot from ARMS - KJP Technology ... - YouTube
2017年7月8日 · ISO9283 로봇성능평가기준에 적합한 측정방법으로 측정한 데이터의 3차원 이동괘적과 변위량을 그래프로 표시하여시각적으로 확인하여 참고하고 이를 바탕으로 교정을 시도할수 있도록 지원하는 프로그램 ARMS (Automated Robot Measurement System)문의처:kjp기...
GitHub - kjpwwiwwo/github-kjp: A robot powered training repository :robot:
A robot powered training repository :robot:. Contribute to kjpwwiwwo/github-kjp development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - huggingface/lerobot: LeRobot: Making AI for Robotics …
🤗 LeRobot already provides a set of pretrained models, datasets with human collected demonstrations, and simulation environments to get started without assembling a robot. In the coming weeks, the plan is to add more and more support for real-world robotics on the most affordable and capable robots out there.
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Kepler Forerunner Series General-Purpose Humanoid Robot
Shanghai Kepler Robot Co., Ltd. is a high-tech innovative enterprise focusing on the research and development, production and application ecology of general humanoid robots. It provides automatic intelligent solutions for industries such as smart manufacturing, warehousing logistics, smart inspections, security patrols, high-risk operations ...
聚科精密 - 行星式减速机、减速机供应商、减速机制造商推荐
Whalesbot | 青少年人工智能 | 教育机器人 | 编程机器人 | AI Robot…
AI Module全面应用了全自主开发的智能伺服电机,开创性的融合了语音、视觉、情感表达等众多人工智能技术,并提供了模块化、Scratch、Python、C、流程图等5种编程语言。
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kjp type Application for Wood work machine, Fabric machine, Grabbing-and—extracting robot, Factory automation, Machining center and Computer related machine.
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