KOOK,一个好用的语音沟通工具 - 官方网站
KOOK语音是一款免费无广告的语音沟通工具,目前已覆盖PC端、安卓端、IOS端、网页端设备,无论你在什么地方,都可以畅快沟通。 KOOK里有各种主题的服务器,你也可以根据自己的喜好,创建游戏、音乐、阅读、外语等等主题的服务器,邀请好友加入到你的服务器里谈天说地。
kddk versus ddkk [Pro/Con/Your Opinions] · forum | osu!
When I try to play kddk I have a hard time with reading though, because in my opinion the reading style for streams with kddk is completely different than ddkk. Assuming you play full alternating streams (I use 2 index fingers as kddk), you either have muscle memory for the pattern, or you split every pattern into groups of 2 or 4 notes and ...
What are the pros and cons of playing KDDK opposed to …
I've only really played with KKDD and have been thinking about switching to KDDK, but I'm curious about what each playstyle's pros and cons are. I heard many times that kkdd style has it harder with streams on the higher diffs, while others told me they've got an …
Welcome to KOOK - KOOK(原开黑啦)
KOOK是专属游戏玩家的语音和组队工具,安全免费、没有广告、低占用高质量。 全新的组队设计,给你的游戏体验带来新的可能。
Tips for switching from ddkk to kddk? Should I even switch?
if you have convinced yourself to switch to kddk regardless, my tips are: have really good patience. there's not much you can do to make the transition easier, it won't be easy. not only will you have to relearn most aspects of the game from scratch, kddk playstyles are much harder to learn at first due to the way patterns are read. start with ...
《KK官方对战平台》官网- 国内超火RPG开黑对战平台
上万张RPG地图一站式畅玩,组队开黑尽在KK官方对战平台! 汇聚塔防、防守、生存等经典RPG玩法,提供DotA模式、RTS对战等丰富功能,万千天梯大神在KK陪你随时排位!
Should I switch to KDDK from KKDD? : r/taikonotatsujin - Reddit
2023年1月25日 · Absolutely switch!!. The whole thing that helps with playing taiko based games is rotating hands, or KDDK. Space out the keys on your keyboard, use your left hand for KD and the other hand for DK, so that you can use hand swapping and lessen the strain on one hand.
what is rolling kddk playstyle? : r/osutaiko - Reddit
2021年10月21日 · a while a go, i see someone mention a playstyle called "rolling kddk" but i've never heard it after that or had it explained to me. I know about all the other playstyles such as ddkk/kkdd kddk/dkkd, full alt, semi alt, single tap etc.
KOOK语音官方版下载-KOOK语音2025最新版本下载 v1.71.0安卓版 …
KOOK语音 原“开黑啦”是款无广告、不掉线、低占用、不延迟的语音沟通软件,和传统的语音交流软件不同,在这用户可以创建一个属于自己的特色主题服务器,然后可以邀请小伙伴们进行一起沟通交流,也可以在你想聊天的时候去那里找他们,很像一场不散的轰趴。 而且无论是在服务器当中游戏开黑、外语交流、学习音乐分享等都能随意进行,可以谈天说地无所不能。 另外,KOOK语音现已将PC端、网页端和移动端各平台的数据融合,使用户能跨平台轻松实现高质量的语音交 …
KOOK (原开黑啦),一个好用的语音沟通工具。 KOOK语音是一款免费无广告的语音沟通工具,目前已覆盖PC端、安卓端、IOS端、网页端设备,无论你在什么地方,都可以畅快沟通。 KOOK里有各种主题的服务器,你也可以根据自己的喜好,创建游戏、音乐、阅读、外语等等主题的服务器,邀请好友加入到你的服务器里谈天说地。