Kled - League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
Sir Prince Chevalier Archduke Lord Double-Earl Kled (or Sir Kled, for short) is a half-mad knight from the aptly named Kingdom of Kled, which contains exactly two subjects: Kled, and his cowardly avian mount, Skarl. Together, the pair ravage the countryside to 'reclaim' Kled's 'land', which apparently is… all land, everywhere.
Kled - League of Legends
A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, the yordle Kled embodies the furious bravado of Noxus. He is an icon beloved by the empire's soldiers, distrusted by its officers, and loathed by the nobility. Many claim Kled has fought in every campaign the legions have waged, has “acquired” every military title, and has never once backed down from a fight.
Kled - League of Legends Wiki
2025年2月26日 · Kled and Skaarl are the first champion with two health bars, combining to form the highest in-game base health, with Kled's being the lowest. Kled is also the first champion and one of the two champions in the game whose health cannot be improved except through growth per level, the second being Pyke.
Kled (Character) | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, the yordle Kled embodies the furious bravado of Noxus. Many claim Kled has fought in every campaign the warhosts have waged, acquired every military title, and never once backed down from a fight.
克雷德 - League of Legends
儘管傳說的真實性令人存疑,但有一點是無庸置疑的:克雷德會騎著他不可靠的坐騎小嘎衝進戰場,為了保護屬於他的東西而奮戰……並拿走能占有的一切。 衝啊! 克雷德忠實的坐騎,小嘎,會代替克雷德承受傷害。 當小嘎的生命值歸零時,他會逃跑並留下克雷德孤軍奮戰。 克雷德單打獨鬥時,他的技能會改變且對敵方英雄造成較低傷害。 克雷德可以透過和敵人作戰來幫助小嘎重拾勇氣。 當勇氣達到最大值時,克雷德會重新乘騎小嘎並獲得部分生命。 克雷德忠實的坐騎,小 …
Kled (League of Legends) | 英雄联盟维基 | Fandom
Kled 是游戏 英雄联盟 中的一位 英雄。 [2] 技能说明:克烈的可靠坐骑,斯嘎尔会为他承受400-1505(+1额外生命值)伤害。 当斯嘎尔的生命值耗尽时,会导致克烈进入非骑乘状态。 额外生命值属性只会施加给斯嘎尔。 在非骑乘状态下时,克烈会更换若干技能并且造成较少伤害,当他朝着敌方英雄移动时,会获得额外(100+5*英雄等级)移动速度与125射程,但是他的基础移动速度会下降到285并且对英雄造成伤害下降至80%。 克烈可通过与敌人作战来回复斯嘎尔的勇气。 …
Kled Build Guide - Runes, Items & More - Patch 15.5 - Mobalytics
Get the best Kled builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Climb in patch 15.5 with Kled builds provided by Mobalytics!
克烈是个暴脾气的小个子,唯恐天下太平,随着年份增长,他变得越来越暴力,越来越疯狂,越来越古怪难懂。 游戏中利用Q和E技能,克烈能不断地减速并冲向落单逃跑的对手,收割能力不可小视。
Kled Build with Highest Winrate - LoL Runes, Items, and Skill …
Kled build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 15.5
Kled Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities - Patch 25.05
Find the best Kled build guides for League of Legends S15 Patch 25.05. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Kled build for the S15 meta. Learn more about Kled's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!
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