KL Junior Hash House Harriers – Not Much Bigger than a Brussel …
Any family can join the KL Junior Hash House Harriers, with a good mix of Malaysians and expats from all over the world. There is no minimum age limit -- there are parents who carry babies on their backs! You can either join us as a Guest for each Run (Guest fees … more.
Any family can join the KL Junior Hash House Harriers, with a good mix of Malaysians and expats from all over the world. There is no minimum age limit — there are parents who carry babies on their backs!
Kljhhh - Kuala Lumpur Junior Hash House Harriers - Facebook
Kljhhh - Kuala Lumpur Junior Hash House Harriers. 1,049 likes · 13 talking about this. The Kuala Lumpur Junior Hash House Harriers meet for their Hash...
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