Klklk - Marvel Database | Fandom
The Klklk are a race of insectoids from the planet La'kll. It's a world which is is countless light years from Earth. On which they had established a vast and benevolent civilization which farmed the worlds of its system. When their food ran out because their soil was no longer fertile, they were forced to travel to other worlds.
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Klklk Mother-Ship | Marvel Database | Fandom
The Klklk Mother-Ship was a massive spaceship encountered by Hulk in the farmlands of Canada. From its the hatch in its belly, clicking insectoids dropped down to Earth via filament strands, which he fought believing that they were stealing the farmers' crops.
Klklk race / Insectoids (Hulk characters) - marvunapp.com
KLKLK race. Classification: Extraterrestrial, insect-like beings. Location/Base of Operations: Originated on planet La'kll (4th from the sun), Tl'blk star system, Milky Way galaxy, countless light years from Earth; possibly mobile through the Universe. Estimated Population: 4.4 billion. Known Members: Ba't'll (Queen)
klklk:阿密拉斯发动效果的台词,翻译过来是“我来开辟道路” klsk:死海突袭者发动效果的台词,翻译过来是“斩断” ddykz:妖精贤者发动效果的台词,翻译过来是“不断地前进”
Category:Klklk/Appearances | Marvel Database | Fandom
List of all known appearances of Klklk. (If you find a medium that is not shown here, please add "Klklk" to the appearances section with a proper tag.) Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
要不是我看很多遍过KLK,可能还能多给一颗星 - 哔哩哔哩
确实,看过KLK都知道,三集当一季,剧情发展节奏奇快,疯狂展开一波未平一波又起,各种反转又反转让人过瘾得雅痞。 但是KLK在剧情疯狂展开的时候可没有落下任何该铺垫的地方,向母亲举起反旗的皋月,追随她的四天王,一开始只是个背负杀父之仇的不良少女后来终于寻找到真正自己的流子,包括罗晓,她们所有的行为或是明线或是暗线全都为后来的剧情发展做出了完美的铺垫。 后续展开的时候看起来好像很突然,但仔细顺着故事线是绝对能够理清逻辑关系的。 而BNA …
很多人都推荐我看KLK,然后我调整了两天心情开始看,一集后就停不下来,一口气看到16集。 这个KLK的剧情容量是真的大,毫不拖沓,这种良心番着实少见,不管是剧情作画配音配乐都非常棒。 比起天元来,我看完KLK没有立刻感到失落,觉得燃劲还没散去,也许和它搞笑成分太多有关吧,毕竟最后牺牲者就一个鲜血,而天元的牺牲者太多了。 可是我中午睡了个觉,做了个关于离别的梦,醒来以后就忽然悲伤起来了。 去找了Till I Die听,难受得差点哭出来。 可能是我有点受不 …
Klklk (Alien Race | Marvel) (Comic Book Character)
Klklk (Alien Race | Marvel) (Comic Book Character) - History History of this race is unknown. Powers and Abilities Powers Disintegration bolts, webbing, Telepathy Abilities None known. Average Strength level Unknown. Weaknesses None known. Habitat Habitat: 73% surface covered with water, world-wide mineral content is depleted, lots of farmland Gravity: 120% Earth standard Atmosphere: 63% ...
【kill la kill 】超燃!最喜欢的一首op - 哔哩哔哩
动感新势力 很好的动画,精彩的剪辑,喜欢klkl的千万别错过, 视频播放量 52219、弹幕量 438、点赞数 1013、投硬币枚数 487、收藏人数 1394、转发人数 131, 视频作者 cloudj, 作者简介 喜爱动漫,学做视频,开开心心,相关视频:「? 」,【MAD】所以我放弃了音乐,“动漫那些实力强大的组织”,【蔚蓝档案】你一定会在第3秒喊出天才,【中日字幕/HoneyWorks】Ado 新曲「わたしに花束」【我心里危险的东西 自制MAD】【完整版】,【学院都市七大能力者】一首Tremble带 …