Domov - KLM real estate, a.s.
KLM real estate, to je viac ako 15 rokov skúseností v developmente územia a zhodnocovania financií. Už od roku 2003 sa špecializujeme na development, prípravu pozemkov a …
Contact - KLM real estate, a.s.
KLM real estate a.s. Žižkova 15 811 02 Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto Obchodný register SR [email protected] +421 25 46 40 901
OC Klokan Senec - KLM real estate, a.s.
KLM real estate a.s. Žižkova 15 811 02 Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto Obchodný register SR [email protected] +421 25 46 40 901
Tatra Asset Management buys nine retail parks in Slovakia
Tatra Asset Management (TAM) has acquired a portfolio of nine regional retail parks in Slovakia. The seller, which was represented by CBRE, is KLM Real Estate (KLMre). The transaction …
CEE acquisitions kick start New Year for retail centre investment
2019年1月8日 · The management company of Tatra Asset Management (TAM) has acquired a portfolio of nine regional retail parks in Slovakia. The seller, which was represented by the real …
KLM Real Estate sells Slovak retail portfolio - Europe Re
2018年12月21日 · The management company of Tatra Asset Management (TAM) has acquired a portfolio of nine regional retail parks in Slovakia. The seller, which was represented by the real …
ARTICLES LABELLED WITH TAG KLMre - property-forum.eu
2025年1月1日 · Tatra Asset Management (TAM) has acquired a portfolio of nine regional retail parks in Slovakia. The seller, which was represented by CBRE, is KLM Real Estate (KLMre). …
KLM real estate a.s. - Dun & Bradstreet
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for KLM real estate a.s. of Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.
Kalmare – Wikipedia
Kalmare sind an das Leben im freien Wasser (Pelagial) der Meere angepasst. Darin unterscheiden sie sich zum Beispiel von den Echten Tintenfischen (Sepien), die in Bodennähe …
Portfólio deviatich retail parkov na Slovensku má nového majiteľa
Správcovská spoločnosť Tatra Asset Management kupuje portfólio deviatich regionálnych retail parkov na Slovensku. Predáva ich spoločnosť KLM Real Estate. Súčasťou transakcie je aj …