Kilometer Calculator
Divide 100 kilometers by the conversion factor: 100 / 1.6093. The result is your kilometers value expressed in miles: 61.14 miles. The handy kilometer calculator helps you determine length units in different systems such as the metric and the imperial one.
Kilometre - Wikipedia
The kilometre (SI symbol: km; / ˈ k ɪ l ə m iː t ər / or / k ɪ ˈ l ɒ m ə t ər /), spelt kilometer in American and Philippine English, is a unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), equal to one thousand metres (kilo-being the SI prefix for 1000).
Kilometers (km) - Length / Distance Conversions - CheckYourMath
Looking for a conversion? Select a conversion type and the desired units. A kilometer is a unit of length or distance in the Metric System. The symbol for kilometer is km and the International spelling for this unit is kilometre. The base unit for a kilometer is meter and the prefix is kilo.
公里和千米换算 - 公里换算千米 (km) - 长度换算
千米换算 - 在线公里(km)换算器 - FreeUnitConvert.com
免费在线千米换算器,可快速将千米数量转换成其他十多种距离或长度单位。 千米又称公里,通常用于衡量两地之间的距离。 公里是一个国际标准长度计量单位,符号km,英文是kilometre。
Kilometer (km) Conversion Calculator - Inch Calculator
One kilometer is equal to 0.621371 miles. To convert kilometers to another unit of length, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value. [2] You can find the conversion factors for kilometers in the conversion table below.
Kilometers Conversion
Free online Kilometers converter. Convert Kilometers to other length units quickly and easily, try it now!
千米到毫米转换器 (km转mm) - MathDA.com
公里 (km) 是一种常用的长度单位,主要用于测量长距离,尤其是在公路和铁路的测量中。 1公里等于1000米,这是公制单位体系中的一个基本元素。 什么是毫米 (mm)
Convert km to cm - Unit Converter
Instant free online tool for kilometer to centimeter conversion or vice versa. The kilometer [km] to centimeter [cm] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert kilometer or centimeter to other length units or learn more about length conversions.
公里和千米的换算 - 单位换算大全
长度换算器为你提供公里和千米的换算,请在上面输入想要转换的公里数,再点击“立即转换”即可。 或者你需要的是 千米和公里的换算。 Copyright © UnitHelper.com | All rights reserved.