Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (1984) – Tanzania
The Kilimanjaro Native Cooperative Union farmers produce Kilimanjaro Coffee, which is a distinctive washed Arabica, finely balanced and prized for its body, acidity and flavour. It is unique due to the mountain’s volcanic soils. Kilimanjaro has a reputation throughout the world as one of Africa’s finest coffees.
Company Profile – Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (1984)
Kilimanjaro Native Cooperative Union (1984) is a cooperative union registered under the cooperative societies Act of 1982 to produce and export Mild Arabica coffee from Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania. We serve small coffee producer members on the slopes of highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro in the districts of Rombo, Moshi Rural, Hai and Siha.
Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union - Wikipedia
The Union Café Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (KNCU) is a cooperative federation in Tanzania and the oldest cooperative in the country, [1] founded in 1930 by Charles Dundas. KNCU is owned by the farmers of the 90 primary cooperative societies which buy coffee from the farmers on Kilimanjaro. Offices for the cooperative are located in ...
Who We Are? – Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (1984)
Kilimanjaro Native Cooperative Union is a local organization that produces and exports Mild Arabica coffee from Kilimanjaro region in northern part of Tanzania mainland. We serve close to 70,000 small producer members on the slopes of highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro in the districts of Rombo, Moshi Rural, Hai and Siha.
KNCU - Wikipedia
KNCU (92.7 FM, "U92") is a radio station licensed to serve Newport, Oregon, United States. The station is owned by Xana Oregon, LLC.
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Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (KNCU) | JMI
To read all about KNCU, visit their website www.kncutanzania.com. The many thousands of farmers who form the Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union are proudly a part of Africa’s oldest co-operative union on the foothills of Africa’s highest mountain.
Results 2025 – KZN Canoe Union - kncu.co.za
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History – Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (1984)
The Kilimanjaro Native Co-operative Union (KNCU) Ltd was the first Union to be registered in 29th December 1933 under the Co-operatives Societies Ordinance of 1932, together with its 11 affiliated member societies namely Kibong’oto, Uru Mawela, Kilema, Kibosho Central, Machame Centre, Marangu, Mamsera, Mengwe, Mkuu Rombo, Keni, and Useri.
The Kilimanjaro Native Cooperative Union ( KNCU) was probably the most efficient and progressive cooperative organization in Africa. A district commissioner called Sir Charles Dundas, a Scots baronet, started it in the 1920s to enable Chagga coffee growers to compete on equal terms on world markets with the European growers.