科契 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
科契 [6] [7] (英語: Kochi ;馬拉雅拉姆語: കൊച്ചി 、拉丁化: Kochazhi [a] ),舊名「科欽」 [8] [9] (葡萄牙語: Cochin ,源自葡屬印度時期),中國 明代 朝廷稱作「柯枝」,部份中國古籍譯為「國貞」,位於印度 喀拉拉邦的埃納庫拉姆縣,距離特里凡得 ...
Knezek - Name Meaning and Origin
The surname Knezek is of Polish and Czech origin and is derived from the word "knez" or "kniez" which means "prince" or "duke" in Slavic languages. It is a patronymic surname, indicating that it was originally used to identify the descendants of a person with the title of prince or duke.
科钦 - 百度百科
科钦(Cochin),位于印度的西南岸,喀拉拉邦的埃尔讷古勒姆区,锡鲁万纳塔普拉姆城北约220公里处。 其面对阿拉伯海,拥有优良的海港,水上运输非常发达,被誉为"阿拉伯海之皇后"。
Knězek Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History - Forebears
Learn the fascinating origin of the Knězek surname; its meaning & distribution. Unlock your family history in the largest database of last names.
Knezek Name Meaning and Knezek Family History at FamilySearch
Explore historical collections, such as birth records, death certificates, immigration data, and more about the Knezek family.
Last name KNEZEK: origin and meaning - Geneanet
Last Name : KNEZEK, Learn more about the geographical origin and the etymology of this last name
【晨遊印度】南印度喀拉拉邦的科契(柯欽) Kochi 私心旅遊推薦
2020年3月5日 · 科契/柯欽 Kochi 是印度西南部的喀拉拉邦 Kerala 主要港口城市,天氣與香港相若,同是濕熱氣候,空氣較佳,美食很多。 無論是在落日餘暉中漫步,品嚐海邊小販烹調的海鮮,或是駕船航行於近海島嶼間,也是不錯的選擇。 若想欣賞傳統舞蹈卡沙卡利舞 (Kathakali),可前往當地的藝術中心。 以下是 Usha 到訪 科契/柯欽 Kochi 的十大私心口袋旅遊建議: 1。 船屋初體驗. 船屋算是去印度特定區域的體驗,在北印度的喀什米爾,以及南印度的科契,船屋體驗都是有名 …
Knezek Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History - Forebears
Learn the fascinating origin of the Knezek surname; its meaning & distribution. Unlock your family history in the largest database of last names.
Kingdom Of Cochin | Discover Our Rich Legacy
The kingdom played a pivotal role in regional trade and cultural development, with its capital eventually established in Kochi. In 1949, Cochin merged with the Indian Union, marking the end of its monarchical rule. Today, the legacy of the Cochin royal family continues to influence the cultural and historical landscape of Kerala.
Jan Vaclav Knezek | Klassische Komponisten | Musicalics
He was among the first composers who wrote for the new sounds of the clarinet. He found himself included in the company of many highly gifted musicians of Bohemian extraction who also were to suffer the fate of musical obscurity. Knezek’s life and works have been only recently studied in fragmentary fashion.