Knoq – Neighborhood Representatives
The Knoq app trains people on how to do sales (learn more here). Our app uses data to guide neighborhood representatives (Knoqers) to sell products/services in their own neighborhoods. …
About | Knoq
Knoq is a technology company that encourages people to talk to their neighbors. Our technology recruits, trains and guides neighborhood representatives (Knoqers) to go out into their own …
Overview | Knoq
Knoq neighborhood sales representatives go out into their own neighborhoods and talk to people about products and services that can make their lives better.
Product Overview | Knoq
The secret sauce of Knoq is that everything neighborhood reps do is fed back to our data science team so that we can report on it, analyze it and optimize the way that we are working. Real …
Knoqers | Knoq
Train on how to sell with the Knoq app and other local Knoqers. Learn about the products and services in your neighborhood. Decide where you want to knock doors. Use recommended …
Our Raving Fans | Knoq
Knoq neighborhood sales representatives go out into their own neighborhoods and talk to people about products and services that can make their lives better.
Knoq IQ | Knoq
Work with the Knoq team to better understand your goals and determine what insights will get you there; Use pre-collected data or collect data with the Knoq distributed door knocking teams; …
FAQ - Knoq
What is Knoq? Knoq is a technology company that recruits, trains and guides neighborhood sales representatives at scale. Our platform trains neighborhood representatives on how to sell and …
Neighborhood Sales Software | Knoq
The Knoq app is designed to make neighborhood sales data-driven, easy and effective. Have a team of neighborhood sales representatives? Use our software (everything below minus …
Political & Non-profit | Knoq
With Knoq, you’re able to access and integrate incredibly in-depth data that allows you to understand and visualize your supporters. Knoq is the most comprehensive campaigning tool …