Kodyfikacja - Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej
2017年1月16日 · Kod biura i kolejny numer ewidencyjny tworzą NIIN (NATO Item Identification Number) – numer identyfikacyjny wyrobu. Można stosować łączniki w istotnych miejscach NSN (np. 1005-13-1234567), aby umożliwić użytkownikowi dogodne zapoznawanie się z informacjami zawartymi w strukturze NSN.
Numer NSN – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Numer NSN (ang. NATO Stock Number lub National Stock Number ) – 13 cyfrowy numer ( kod ) magazynowy obowiązujący w NATO, który identyfikuje poszczególne wyroby materialne dla wojska (np. uzbrojenie , sprzęt wojskowy, poszczególne sorty mundurowe , oporządzenie , itp.).
International Cataloging How Do I Get an NSN? - Defense Logistics Agency
National Stock Number or North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Stock Number (NSN) assignment is: A government-to-government function; only government agencies can request an NSN assignment. Only assigned by a National Codification Bureau (NCB).
National Stock Number - Defense Logistics Agency
The NSN is composed of a 13-digit stock number. It consists of the four-digit Federal Supply Classification (FSC) and the nine-digit National Item Identification Number (NIIN). The NIIN consists of a two-digit National Codification Bureau (NCB) number followed by …
NATO Allied Committee 135 (AC/135) - The Group of National …
Explore NATO's Allied Committee 135 (AC/135) website, featuring up-to-date information on the organization's structure, responsibilities, and initiatives to promote standardized codification and logistics support for member nations.
Search NSN Part Numbers - ISO Group
Search NSN parts database from ISO Group, the leading sustainabliity partner to the military. Our comprehensive NSN search can be used to find military parts or cross reference NSN and NATO information.
北约军品料号系统介绍 - NSN (NATO Stock Number)
2012年10月20日 · 为统一所有北约国家以及相关协助国家之后勤补给问题,北约相关单位制定了北约编纂系统 (NATO Codification System, NCS),以解决不同国家与军种之间的物料编号的差异,并大大增加补给效率。 并且,由于每件物品都有单一的物料说明暨编号,因此也避免了混淆的情况产生。 在 NCS之下,每件物料都有以下的项目: 1. 物料名 (item name) 2. 分类 (classification) 3. 识别 (identification) 4. NSN 编码. 所谓的NSN (NATO Stock Number)北约军品料号系统,每 …
NSN Lookup | NSN Marketplace - Data, Pricing and Availability
An NSN is a unique 13-character identifier used by NATO Countries to classify and track items in their inventory. NSN Lookup tools also known as National Stock Number Lookup or NATO Stock Number Lookup tools allow users to search for specific items …
NSN - What is a National Stock Number? - NSN Lookup
A National Stock Number (NSN) is a unique Stock-Keeping Unit (SKU) code assigned by Governments to tangible items repeatedly procured, stocked, stored and issued through their supply system.
NATO Stok Kodlu Ürün Tedariği | Ramsa Defence
NATO Stok Kodu (NSN), askeri malzemeleri ve ekipmanları tanımlamak için kullanılan bir sistemdir. Bu kodlar, ürünlerin benzersiz bir şekilde sınıflandırılmasını sağlar ve uluslararası tedarik zincirlerinde ortak bir anlayış oluşturur.