Hanover Koi Farms
More Koi and Butterfly Koi in more varieties than you've ever seen! A top US breeder located in Hanover, PA. Huge selection of Koi and Pond Products
About Hanover Koi Farms
Hanover Koi Farms (aka-HKF) is a full-time Koi farm/retailer located in South Central Pennsylvania, very near the state border with Maryland. We sell Koi retail to the general public both online and to walk-in customers to the farm! We are …
Koi for sale - Order Individual Koi Online > Hanover Koi farms
Shop for Koi and Butterfly Koi bred by HKF! Healthy and Fully treated. Shipping to parts of PA, MD, NJ, and WV, for $25 or less per box!
Koi Price List > Hanover Koi Farms
Our in-store Koi and Butterfly Koi Prices on all Sizes and Grades of Koi we offer. We have a HUGE selection of Koi in sizes and grades to meet any budget.
Koi and Butterfly Koi For Sale - Hanover Koi Farms
Koi and Butterfly Koi for sale - fully treated - bred by HKF! Koi Online, delivered right to your door - Inexpensive shipping to PA, MD, and VA.
Shop Koi and Pond Products > Hanover Koi farms
Shop the best Koi and Pond Products including Live Koi, Pumps, Filters, Koi and Goldfish food, Koi Health Products. We only sell what we ourselves use!
Hanover Koi Farms Location, Business Hours, and Contact info
Contact Information Address: 1332 Moulstown Rd N, Hanover, PA.17331 Phone: 223-400-4307 Email: [email protected]
Koi Assortment Packages > Buy Groups of Koi - Hanover Koi Farms
Shop online for assortments of Koi and Butterfly Koi. Grouped and boxed together to save you on shipping! Get the most fish for your shipping cost!
Koi News, Events, and Specials > Hanover Koi Farms
As most of you know, here at HKF we sell Koi and Butterfly Koi by size as well as three primary grades. Our grades from lowest to highest are: Select Grade, Premium Grade, and John’s …
Koi Photo Album > Hanover Koi Farms
Life on a Koi Farm- See a sample of our Koi and Butterfly Koi, and snapshots from around the farm including the breeding and culling processes.