KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. With low prices and high quality, this eye makeup series is perfect for daily use. KOJI 3D eyelash technology helps to blend with your own lashes to achieve more natural look!
Eyelash curler|KOJI-HONPO - コージー本舗
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory. With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues. KOJI 3DEYES. KOJI 3D eyelash technology helps to blend with your own lashes to achieve more natural look! Otona eyelash. Enhance your own lashes without mascara.
Eye Talk|KOJI-HONPO - コージー本舗
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory. With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues. KOJI 3DEYES. KOJI 3D eyelash technology helps to blend with your own lashes to achieve more natural look! Otona eyelash. Enhance your own lashes without mascara.
Dolly Wink - Produced by Tsubasa Masuwaka - コージー本舗
KOJI-HONPO as for False eyelashes and Double eyelid. ONLINE SHOP. Tsubasa Masuwaka. After establishing herself as a highly respected and charismatic "reader model" (a person chosen to be a model for the magazine cover from among its readers) and appearing on covers of many magazines, she also produced various products related to fashion and ...
Company Profile|KOJI-HONPO - コージー本舗
Koji Kobayashi started a business manufacturing headdresses and hair ornaments. 1946: Company name changed to Kobayashi Koji Kesho-ryo Honpo. *"Kesho-ryo" means "cosmetics"; "Honpo" means "specialist store". 1947: Launched Japan's first false eyelash product, TSUKE-MATSUGE (literally, "false eyelashes"). 1949
DollyWink Long & volumeⅢ Brown - KOJI-HONPO
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues.
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory. With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues. KOJI 3DEYES. KOJI 3D eyelash technology helps to blend with your own lashes to achieve more natural look! Otona eyelash. Enhance your own lashes without mascara.
nailist nail rub paper|KOJI-HONPO
Beauty tool series, functional and safe, made in Japan. Portable sheet. Convenient portable product series. Other product
KOJI's eyelash curlers boast a history of over 50 years. Cover factory. With a strong focus on functionality, this base makeup series works wonders on various skin issues. KOJI 3DEYES. KOJI 3D eyelash technology helps to blend with your own lashes to achieve more natural look! Otona eyelash. Enhance your own lashes without mascara.
False eyelashes|蔻吉本舗
KOJI睫毛夹已有超过50年的历史. Cover factory. 能解决肌肤烦恼、重视功能性的底妆系列. KOJI 3DEYES. 可根据眼睛的形状选择不同款式!「3D编织法」睫毛系列打造有立体感的自然妆容. Spring Heart. 价廉物美!适合每日使用的眼妆系列. Dolly Wink. 益若翼监制,实现成熟可爱 ...