Robert Komer - Wikipedia
Robert William "Blowtorch Bob" Komer (February 23, 1922 – April 9, 2000) was an American national security adviser known for managing Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support during the Vietnam War. Born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in St. Louis, Missouri.
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Dr. Komer The Komer Clinics - Treatment, Education, Consulting …
Dr. Komer has pioneered several treatment methods recognized as leading-edge protocols for the treatment of menopause, Andropause (low testosterone) and traumatic brain injury. Dr. Larry Komer trained at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario with a degree in physiology (the science of how living organisms function).
The Malayan Emergency in Retrospect - RAND Corporation
Komer, Robert W., The Malayan Emergency in Retrospect: Organization of a Successful Counterinsurgency Effort, RAND Corporation, R-957-ARPA, 1972. As of March 18, 2025: https://www.rand.org/pubs/reports/R957.html
Bureaucracy Does Its Thing - RAND Corporation
Where the United States is supporting an enfeebled ally, effective means of stimulating optimum indigenous performance are essential. Komer, Robert W., Bureaucracy Does Its Thing: Institutional Constraints on U.S.-GVN Performance in Vietnam. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1972. https://www.rand.org/pubs/reports/R967.html.
Komer, Robert W.: Oral History Interview - JFK #5, 12/22/1969
In this interview Komer discusses working with McGeorge Bundy; the “inner circle” of the Bundy State Department; Komer’s major contacts; the intelligence system; the power and responsibilities of the State Department; how Bundy screened what President John F. Kennedy [JFK] would see; relations with other key officials; Robert F. Kennedy ...
Contact - Dr. Komer
Contact your physician for a referral to the Komercare Clinics. We look forward to serving you! 905-639-2571. *NEW patients need a referral from your physician. You will be contacted by our office when your referral is received. Appointments for current patients of Dr. Komer are made by phone. Please do not request appointments by email.
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