Kondo effect - Wikipedia
Extended to a lattice of magnetic ions, the Kondo effect likely explains the formation of heavy fermions and Kondo insulators in intermetallic compounds, especially those involving rare earth elements such as cerium, praseodymium, and ytterbium, and actinide elements such as uranium.
Evidence for ground state coherence in a two-dimensional Kondo …
2023年11月2日 · Aided by ab initio and auxiliary-fermion mean-field calculations, we demonstrate that this behavior is inconsistent with a fully screened Kondo lattice, and suggests a ground state with...
Emerging local Kondo screening and spatial coherence in the …
2011年6月15日 · Certain metallic alloys that have a combination of localized magnetic moments and mobile conduction electrons can form an exotic state of matter known as a Kondo lattice.
从Kondo singlet到Kondo Lattice - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
所谓Kodo effect是日本科学家近藤淳老先生在解释低温下磁性杂质原子掺杂正常金属带来的电阻极小值这种奇异行为所做的工作。 这里,我仅仅唯象地,以自己的认识简述一下Kondo问题的基本物理模型(个人相比于冗杂的…
Time-resolved collapse and revival of the Kondo state near a …
2018年7月30日 · We extinguish part of the Kondo state by irradiation with a terahertz pulse and monitor its time-resolved resurgence. The resulting terahertz echo pulse provides a direct measure for the spectral...
Kondo Cloud in a Superconductor | Phys. Rev. Lett.
2021年10月27日 · Magnetic impurities embedded in a metal are screened by the Kondo effect, signaled by the formation of an extended correlation cloud, the so-called Kondo or screening cloud. In a superconductor, the Kondo state turns into subgap Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states, and a quantum phase transition occurs between screened and unscreened phases once the ...
High-temperature surface state in Kondo insulator U3Bi4Ni3
2025年3月21日 · The observation of a surface state emerging at temperatures above the Kondo temperature raises important questions about the origin of the surface state in U 3 Bi 4 Ni 3. One possibility is that a robust, protected surface state already exists at high temperatures, potentially associated with a topological gap.
taken together, one finds that a new state – known as the Kondo resonance – is generated with exactly the same energy as the Fermi level. The low-temperature increase in resistance was the first hint of the existence of the new state. Such a resonance is very effective at scattering electrons with energies close to the Fermi level.
Engineering the Kondo state in two-dimensional semiconducting ...
2018年1月17日 · In sharp contrast to these conventional Kondo systems, we report an intrinsic, robust, and high-temperature Kondo state in two-dimensional semiconducting phosphorene. While absorbed at a thermodynamically stable lattice defect, Cr impurity triggers an electronic phase transition in phosphorene to provide conduction electrons, which strongly ...
近藤晶格(Kondo Lattice)是凝聚态物理中非常引人注目的材料体系,具有诸如重费米子超导,量子临界现象以及近藤绝缘体等丰富的物理现象。 关于近藤晶格的一个重要问题是巡游电子和局域磁矩的相互作用如何引起新奇的量子基态。