Dr Mahmood Kooria - The University of Edinburgh
2025年1月30日 · Currently I study the matrilineal and matriarchal Muslim communities of the Indian Ocean littoral from East Africa to South|East Asia. For centuries, the matrilineal system …
Mahmood Kooria - Google Scholar
Malayalam Documents on the Portuguese Arrival in India. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 74 (1), 75-103.
Mahmood Kooria - Wikipedia
Mahmood Kooria is a social scientist and historian from Kerala, India. He is a professor of Indian Ocean history at the Department of History University of Edinburgh in Scotland and since the …
Infosys Prize - Laureates 2024 - Mahmood Kooria
Prof. Mahmood Kooria is one of the world’s leading scholars of Indian Ocean Islam, or Maritime Islam generally, particularly in the pre-modern and early modern periods. He is an expert in …
Mahmood Kooria
Analysing the spread and survival of Islamic legal ideas and commentaries in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean littorals, Islamic Law in Circulation focuses on Shāfiʿīsm, …
Mahmood Kooria - University of Edinburgh Research Explorer
2013年8月16日 · PhD in Global History, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Cosmopolis of Law: Islamic Legal Ideas and Texts across the Eastern Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean Worlds, …
Mahmood Kooria | Centre for South Asian Studies
Apart from the Indian Ocean History before 1750 CE, I am also interested in medieval and early modern South Asia, African intellectuals in Asia, legal Ideas and texts, and religious encounters.
Mahmood Kooria | University of Edinburgh - Academia.edu
I am a lecturer in the History of the Indian Ocean World at the Department of History, University of Edinburgh, and a guest researcher at the University of Bergen (Norway). Earlier I held …
History Archive - Mahmood Kooria - Google Sites
Mahmood Kooria is Assistant Professor of the History Department of Ashoka University. Earlier he was a research fellow at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), African Studies...
Mahmood KOORIA | Leiden University, Leiden | LEI | Leiden …
Mahmood KOORIA | Cited by 52 | of Leiden University, Leiden (LEI) | Read 49 publications | Contact Mahmood KOORIA