Updated INS file for Korg Kronos - Cakewalk Forums
2003年11月9日 · With the new OS for the Korg Kronos and the resulting additional seven user banks, I've updated the INS file to include the EXs programs. The new INS file assumes that the Brass/Woodwind EXs3 programs are in bank User G, the Brass/Woodwind Extra EXs3 programs are in bank User AA, and the Vintage Key...
Kronos USB Audio setup in SONARX3 - Cakewalk Forums
2010年7月6日 · Hi gang, has anyone had experience setting up a Korg Kronos usb audio connection to SONAR? So far I get usb midi but Kronos does no appear as an audio input.
Yamaha Montage and Korg Kronos Integration and workflow with …
2016年6月13日 · Answered Yamaha Montage and Korg Kronos Integration and workflow with Sonar Platinum
Syncing Sonar tempo to match external MIDI clock | Cakewalk …
2005年10月10日 · I have Sonar configured to use external MIDI clock provided by a Korg Kronos. The Kronos generates patterns with its internal Karma system, and I want the M:B:T timing in Sonar to match that used by Karma. In Sonar, the recording waits (displaying Waiting for Midi Sync) until the pattern ...
Korg Kronos - Cakewalk Forums
2009年9月16日 · I just watched the SOS NAMM video of Korg's new Kronos work station: http://www.soundonsound.c..ews?NewsID=13520. This board is incredible. I can't believe it has all ...
(Resolved) Distortion when recording audio via USB - Cakewalk …
2014年4月13日 · Hi guys! I've been lurking for a while, and you all give excellent advice. I hope you can help me. I'm trying to record from my keyboard, a Korg Kronos, into an audio track. I'm recording from the USB output from my Kronos directly into my PC. Within a few moments of my starting to record...
Korg Kronos Workstation Instrument Definition - Cakewalk Forums
2012年4月16日 · I have successfully created a fully functional instrument definition for the stock 73 key Korg Kronos workstation. If you would like a copy, please email me at [email protected] Thanks
MIDI In/Out assignment messed up after 246 | Cakewalk Forums
2006年1月16日 · I'd appreciate if somebody could verify this from your end. I decided to go for 246 to address the Staff view note duration issue, now the MIDI In/Out are totally messed up. Issue- -Project containing several VST's instruments, and a …
I want to use the sounds from my Korg Workstation in Sonar as a …
2004年4月14日 · I have a Korg TR 61 workstation in which I usually use the 1/4 inch cable plugged into my Octa-Capture if there is a particular sound I want to record directly from the Korg.
Sonar X3 Region FX menu - Cakewalk Forums
2004年2月15日 · Hello all. I must say I like all the new toys in X3 and it seems somehow faster and more reliable. I noticed a bit of strangeness tonight though. I went to try Melodyne for the first time, but my Region FX menu didn't contain entries for Melodyne or V-Vocal. However the keyboard shortcuts work s...