Kōtarō Takamura - Wikipedia
Kōtarō Takamura (高村 光太郎, Takamura Kōtarō, March 13, 1883 – April 2, 1956) was a Japanese poet and sculptor. Takamura was the eldest son of Japanese sculptor Takamura Kōun. He graduated from the Tokyo School of Fine Arts in 1902, where he studied sculpture and oil painting. He studied in New York, at the Art Students League of New York City in 1906.
Kotaro Takamura - Poems by the Famous Poet - All Poetry
Kotaro Takamura was a pivotal figure in the development of modern Japanese poetry. His work helped introduce European artistic ideas like Symbolism and Romanticism into Japanese literature. He is celebrated for his direct, conversational style, which challenged the traditional formality of Japanese poetic language. Takamura’s poetry focuses ...
高村光太郎 ((たかむら こうたろう、1883年(明治16年)3月13日 - 1956年(昭和31年)4月2日)),号碎雨,日本 诗人 、 雕刻家 、日本近代 美术 的 开拓者。 [1] 日本近代美术的开拓者高村光太郎 1883年3月13日生于东京。 父亲是明治时期的著名雕刻艺术家。 他们三兄弟都受父亲影响,他少年就爱好雕刻。 在 东京美术学校 期间又对俳句、短歌发生兴趣,从 与谢野铁干 学习短歌创作, 1900年参加新诗社,并在《明星》杂志上发表短歌、诗和戏曲。 1906年为学习西洋画赴 …
TAKAMURA Kotaro | Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical …
Poet and sculptor. He entered the Tokyo School of Fine Arts (later, Tokyo University of the Arts) in 1897. While he studied sculpture and Western-style painting at university, he joined Shinshi-sha and published tanka poetry works in the magazine Myojo. In 1906 he went to Europe and the U.S. to study sculpture and returned back to Japan in 1909.
Takamura KOtaro (1883-1956) now includes translations of thir-teen essays by the poet, and a new introduction by the transla-tor, Hiroaki Sato. The poetry translations encompass much of the verse found in Takamura's two pre-war collections, "The Journey" (Dotei; 1914) and "Chieko" (Chieko sho; 1941). The former speaks of his
Kotaro Takamura - Artnet
View Kotaro Takamura’s artworks on artnet. Learn about the artist and find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks, the latest news, and sold auction prices.
Takamura, Kôtarô (高村光太郎) (1883–1956) - Routledge
Takamura Kôtarô was a sculptor, poet, and essayist associated with several important modern Japanese art and literature movements, including the Folk Art (Mingei) and White Birch (Shirakaba) movements. The son of sculptor Takamura Kôun (1852–1934), Takamura studied both sculpting and oil painting at the Tokyo School of Fine Art.
高村光太郎 Kotaro Takamura - 豆瓣读书
高村光太郎 ((たかむら こうたろう、1883年(明治16年)3月13日 - 1956年(昭和31年)4月2日)),号碎雨,日本诗人、雕刻家、日本近代美术的开拓者。 回国后不满当时的日本美术界,拒绝东京美术学校的聘书,参加唯美主义艺术运动,为"面包会"的主要成员,并发表唯美颓废派风格的诗作,所写的抒情诗带有浪漫主义倾向,其刚健的诗风与他所具有的雕刻家的素养不无关系。 1910年发表了《绿色的太阳》宣布了他的艺术自由主义主张,1912年他和山型智慧子在画室 …
Takamura, Kotaro - Infoplease
Takamura, Kotaro kōˈtäˈrō täˈkäˈmo͞oˈrä [key], 1883–1956, Japanese poet and sculptor. After studying art in France, where he was profoundly influenced by Rodin, Takamura devoted his career to applying Western aesthetics to Japanese poetry
KotaroTakamura - Poet KotaroTakamura Poems - Poem Hunter
Kōtarō Takamura ( Takamura Kōtarō, March 13, 1883 – April 2, 1956) was a Japanese poet and sculptor. His father was Kōun Takamura, a renowned Japanese sculptor. He graduated from the Tokyo School of Fine Arts in 1902, where he studied sculpture.