List of Gyee | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
Below is a list of characters obtainable Gyee in the game. Gyees are generally available through summon from the Gate of Pact, or by obtaining at least 20 image shards the respective Gyee.
Kovit - GYEE A Gay - themed RPG Gacha Game - THEGYEE.COM
Kovit shows his unique skill, restoring HP equal to M.ATK *86% for all allies. Ultimate Service: Full Service heals the main target 1 extra time, providing 50% of the original healing. Purifying …
Kovit or BeeNic? : r/GYEE - Reddit
2023年12月30日 · Kovit is a Defensive healer and has to be paired with someone like Adonis to really shine as his burst heals are the best, but provides no shield and little utility. Basically the only utility Kovit provides is god mode, which is good against CC, but doesn't prevent burst damage or help your gyee's damage.
Gyee Wiki - Fandom
GYEE is a gay-themed online RPG mobile game by Kiwifruit Studios. Enter the world of Luxium, bond with other Gyees, fight the shadow and solve the mysteries of Azria! The game is currently playable in iOS and Android for China (CN), Southeast Asia (SEA), Japan (JP) and North American (NA) servers! Gyees. Avatars. External Guides and Other Info.
柯維特 - GYEE官方網站 - 蓋伊傳說 - THEGYEE.COM
柯維特活動筋骨,展現拿手絕活,恢復全體我方法術攻擊*86%的生命值。 終極服務:全面服務會額外對主目標進行一次治療,治療量為原治療量的50%。 凈化按摩:全面服務造成治療效果前,會凈化全體目標的所有詛咒效果。 美好收尾:施放全面服務後可對全體目標附加【天神】效果。 此效果內置2回合冷卻時間。 【天神】:處於免疫任何可導致角色不受控制以及負面的效果當中。 持續1回合。 柯維特將能流的力量運用至按摩技法中,他的治療效果隨精通提升。 戰鬥開始時, …
柯维特 - 盖伊传说官方网站 - THEGYEE
柯维特将能流的力量运用至按摩技法中,他的治疗效果随精通提升。 战斗开始时,自身获得【KACHA的庇佑】及【最终服务】;自身外全部队友获得【尊贵会员】,自身死亡时会移除友 …
GYEE English X Mazjojo || Gate of Pact Summon Kovit - YouTube
Meet Kovit, your virtual bestie designed specifically by Mazjojo! This video outlines the gate of pact summon for Kovit, with a bonus of storytime with Kovi...
Oki | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
Oki - A Full Service masseur from Morning Wood. Specialized in Balinese massage, likes to be alone. The mysterious masseur. His daggers show the rage hidden under his poker face. Folks at the Arcana Academy was trying to manipulate the disturbance in Flux and send Rald and Kovid back to Morningwood, where they came from.
1月1日更新公告:新蓋伊柯維特、暗流亂入_GYEE官方網站 - 蓋伊 …
2020年12月31日 · 柯維特——「全面服務」SPA館泰式按摩師,帶著小象KACHA,在新年伊始,穿越時空,與你相遇。 恰到好處的力量,搭配天然的精油,作用於準確的點位。 節奏順暢,滲透力強,由外向內將精華吸收的同時,並為你注入新鮮能量。 笨蓋有幸邀請到了特約畫師:MAZJOJO,為我們創作了《蓋伊傳說》×《Full Service》的第二位聯動角色柯維特。 透過柯維特那雙結實、有力、包容的手打開了無限的廣闊,整個人仿佛充斥著一股治癒的力量。 隨著 …
Kovit and Rald : r/GYEE - Reddit
2021年1月5日 · Kovit heals the unit with the lowest hp on his turn and each of your units' turns, they heal 12% max hp. When Kovit dies, he restores your team's health to full. His s1 seals a random skill and has an internal cooldown. His s2 heals and if kovit's hp is under 50%, he reduces the main target's resource consumption by 34%.
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