POM-2 mine - Wikipedia
The POM-2 (Russian: Противопехотная Осколочная Мина-2, romanized: Protivopekhotnaya Oskolochnaya Mina, lit. 'Infantry Fragmentation Mine-2') is a Soviet scatterable self-liquidating fragmentation anti-personnel mine .
2015年11月27日 · pom-2“水肿”杀伤人员地雷具有相当高的效率,在此参数中优于之前的pom-1。 由于增加的电荷和案例分裂成片段的优化形式,提供了有效的应用。 与球形相比,船体的圆柱形状将大部分碎片引导离开矿井,并且落入地面或垂直向上飞行的破坏性元件的数量显着 ...
The family of anti-personnel fragmentation mines POM-2 "Edema"
2015年11月27日 · POM-2 mines are placed in KPOM-2 cassettes, four in each. Cassettes, in turn, can be loaded into launchers aviation (VSM-1) or land-based (UZM) remote mining systems. These devices are responsible for the release of mines with their subsequent installation.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The carrier munition KPOM-2 is a tubular metal canister containing 4 landmines and a pyrotechnic delay which is ignited to begin the landmine arming sequence and the deployment of the streamer...
Munition, dispenser, KPOM-2 - Fenix Insight
The KPOM-2 (КПОМ-2) is a Soviet-era-developed, Russian Federation, mine dispenser cannister, which holds and dispenses POM-2 (ПОМ-2) series anti-personnel fragmentation (APF) scatterable mines (SCATMIN).
Pom 2 landmine - CAT-UXO
The carrier munition KPOM-2 is a tubular metal canister containing 4 x landmines and a Pyrotechnic-Delay (P-DLY) which is ignited to begin the landmine arming sequence and the …
#军事# 苏联POM-2mine反坦克地雷如何动作?... 来自素人观点
2022年12月2日 · 从KPOM -2 弹匣中抛出四枚地雷后,一个高温冲击传感器激活,点燃烟火延迟器(延迟机制,直到另一级准备就绪)。 与此同时,稳定腿的帽盖从地雷体中弹开,尼龙带展开以确保地雷笔直向上着陆。 在烟火式缓速器燃尽后,稳定腿被抛出,另一组烟火式缓速器被点燃。 是一种着陆延迟机制,它使地雷在开始任何进一步的游行之前有足够的时间着陆。 当烟火减速器燃烧时,它们会激活发射装药,从而暴露出支撑地雷主体直立的弹簧腿。 由于释放弹簧加载腿的 …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The mines are thrown out to form an ellipse. For example a KSF-1 or KSO-1 case form an ellipse 8-10 meters wide and 18-20 meters long. PFM mines fall about 0.6-2 meters from each other, allowing...
POM-2S Self-righting anti personel mine with self destruct …
2022年7月16日 · The KPOM-2 cassette is ignited by an electrical pulse and then disperses the mines. The advantage of the PKM is that it can be placed far in advance to quickly lay a minefield at any desired moment. The mines are shot away between 30 and 35 meters.
Security Poster: POM-2S Scatterable A/P Mine | Securesearch Inc
This security poster features the technical specifications of the POM-2S scatterable anti-personnel mine, a sectioned POM-2S, KPOM-2S cannisters, the KPOM-2S container, individual containers, packing blocks, streamers, and alloy tops to indicate the presence of …
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