When do I use .pxe, .kpxe, and .kkpxe?
2013年8月14日 · .kpxe is a PXE image that keeps UNDI loaded and unloads PXE.kkpxe is a PXE image that keeps PXE+UNDI loaded and return to PXE (instead of int 18h). From here; And …
undionly.kpxe vs undionly.kkpxe
2016年7月12日 · undionly.kpxe will unload the PXE base code and leave the UNDI driver present. undionly.kkpxe will not unload the PXE base code. It can be used to work around buggy …
chainloading (undionly.kpxe) ipxe is failing.
2019年12月12日 · Host has mallnox connect x3 network card. It does have ipxe but I am trying to test if undionly.kpxe could be our solution to cover both legacy and newer network cards. I …
When to use pxe and kpxe
Should I maybe replace .kpxe with .kkpxe for a wider support? If it matters, the binaries are provided by ISC dhcpd when the clients do a PXE boot. After they are loaded they will provide …
iPxe.kpxe or undionly.kpxe, which is to choose
2019年8月19日 · So, what is the fastest way for booting itself and booting images, is to use ipxe.pxe or undionly.kpxe ? I built ipxe by myself. And there is one nasty thing. If I use …
EFI equivalent of undionly.kpxe
2016年3月17日 · RE: EFI equivalent of undionly.kpxe As I understand the DHCP packets is not cached in EFI and thus not available for iPXE to read, and therefore it needs to do a full dhcp …
Trouble building a working undionly.kpxe
2015年1月22日 · But I want to add "console" and "colours" commands to it. So I downloaded the source via git and built my own undionly.kpxe. With my build, I can download an initrd and a …
Q: undionly.kpxe and sanhook to iSCSI target
2016年12月3日 · Hello, I am attempting to gain access to iSCSI target and no success as of this moment and I am confused why it does not "attach" my target.
Simple Chainload from UNDIonly.kpxe to ipxe.pxe
Simple Chainload from UNDIonly.kpxe to ipxe.pxe Playing around with some scripts, and came up with this as a general purpose UNDI bootstrap script: The first script has a small pause and a …
iPXE discussion forum - When do I use .pxe, .kpxe, and .kkpxe?
2013年7月27日 · .kpxe is a PXE image that keeps UNDI loaded and unloads PXE.kkpxe is a PXE image that keeps PXE+UNDI loaded and return to PXE (instead of int 18h). From here; And …