Kenya Revenue Authority
Times Tower, Haile Selassie Avenue, P.O.Box 48240 - 00100 GPO Nairobi Tel: 020-310300, 020-281000 Fax: 341342 Call Center details Tel:020-4999999,020-4998000 Cell:0711-099999 Email: [email protected] Site best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution with IE 7.0 and above. Site is designed,developed and managed by TATA. ©2011: Powered By
Home - KRA
Kenya Revenue Authority, is an agency of the government of Kenya that is responsible for the assessment, collection and accounting for all revenues that are due to government, in accordance with the laws of Kenya.
File my returns - KRA
Follow our our step by step guide on how to file your individual tax returns on iTax.
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2023年6月19日 · 早餐最出名的是招牌菜Kai Kra Ta(ไข่กระทะ),由越南傳進來的早餐,是用平底鍋煎蛋,肉碎,煙肉,再配上香腸多士,早年很時麾的吃法! 一般人吃Kai Kra Ta,灑上胡椒粉,或是淋上蕃茄醬,吃起來口感更豐富,蛋和香腸會有吸油,難免有些油膩,搭配 ...
Krita 基础与快捷键 - 简书
2017年3月6日 · Krita 是一个免费开源跨平台的绘图工具,是专门为概念艺术家,插图作者,粗面纹理艺术家,和视觉特效行业而设计的。 Krita 已经开发了超过 10 年之久,最近因为获得了投资,更是经历了爆炸式增长。 它提供很多通常和创新性的功能特性来帮助新手和专业人士。 下面重点介绍它的基础功能与特点。 从最新版本 3.2 开始自带中文,老版本需要额外安装语言包。 Krita 默认有两种方式显示绘图工具,一种是类似 Photoshop 的界面,另一种是 Linux 传统软件的 …
File Returns - KRA
Enables KRA to identify those who do not pay taxes. Enhances transparency in taxation as well as improved compliance in respect to return filing and full disclosure. Who should file a return? Every person (individual, company, partnership, etc.) with a KRA PIN is …
Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) - KRA
What is Tax Compliance Certificate? A TCC, otherwise known as a Tax Clearance Certificate is an official document issued by KRA, as proof of having filed and paid all your taxes. KRA issues Tax Compliance Certificates because it is a requirement when, among others: Applying for a job. For jobs however, a TCC is required upon being offered the job.
Krita | 自由开源的数字绘画软件
Krita 是一款自由开源且免费的专业绘画软件,无需注册、无广告、试用期或者商用限制,助力每一位画师随心所欲地表达创意。
Online Services - Kenya Revenue Authority
Times Tower, Haile Selassie Avenue, P.O.Box 48240 - 00100 GPO Nairobi Tel: 020-310300, 020-281000 Fax: 341342 Call Center details Tel:020-4999999,020-4998000 Cell:0711-099999 Email: [email protected] Site best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution with IE 7.0 and above. Site is designed,developed and managed by TATA. ©2011: Powered By
安装 — Krita Manual 5.2.0 文档
Windows 用户可以从 Krita 官方网站下载免费版本的 Krita,也可以在 Microsoft Store、Steam、Epic 商城等软件商城购买收费版本的 Krita。 Krita 的收费版本 在功能上与免费版本完全一致,唯一的不同在于收费版本可以依托软件商店平台进行自动更新。 收费版本的收入在扣减平台费用后将全部用于 Krita 项目的开发工作,请将其视作对 Krita 基金会的一种捐款形式。 Krita 的最新版本可从 Krita 官方网站 下载。 下载页面将自动检测你的操作系统类型 (64 或 32 位) 并显示适合的版本 …