KrAZ-260 - Wikipedia
The KrAZ-260 is an off-road truck 6x6 for extreme operations. [2] It was manufactured at the KrAZ plant.
乌克兰三卡车——KrAZ-260/5233/6322 - 哔哩哔哩
KrAZ-260 -
The KrAZ-260 is a tactical truck of Soviet origin. It was developed by KrAZ in the 1970's as a replacement for the KrAZ-255 series of tactical trucks. For many years both types were produced side by side.
KrAZ-260 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The KrAZ-260 is an off-road truck 6x6 for extreme operations.[2] It was manufactured at the KrAZ plant. Engine: 14.86 L diesel 8 cyl. Power: 300 PS /2100rpm Torque: 1079Nm /1500rpm Top speed: 80...
List of KrAZ vehicles - Wikipedia
KrAZ-250V, KrAZ-251 (prototype), KrAZ-252 (prototype) KrAZ-260: 1979 1993 6x6 KrAZ-260A, KrAZ-260D (prototype), KrAZ-260G, KrAZ-260L (prototype), KrAZ-260V, KrAZ-260 "Tornado" KrAZ-6437: 1987 in production 6x6 KrAZ-64371, KrAZ-64372 "Forester" (6x6) KrAZ-6510: 1992 in production 6x4 KrAZ-6424S4, KrAZ-6444, KrAZ-6510TE, KrAZ-65101, KrAZ-651001
2018年8月18日 · kraz-260由如今位于乌克兰的克列缅丘格汽车厂(克拉斯)研制,如上图和文章首图,中国引进的kraz-260既有作为第一批s-300pmu防空系统的导弹发射车,也有作为弹药运输车和导弹装填车以及方舱牵引车,应用领域非常广泛。
战斗民族的卡车克拉兹不仅能上刀山还能下冰山,无论开在多么泥 …
KrAZ-260 是克雷缅楚格Kremenchug汽车厂从1979年至1993年制造的重型卡车。它安装了KrAZ-250型号的全金属驾驶室,变速箱为全轮驱动,轮布置为6x6。引擎盖下方是8缸V形YaMZ涡轮柴油发动机和8速手动变速箱。
【工人军模】kraz260b军用卡车 - 汽车之家
2023年6月8日 · KrAZ (KpA3)-260系列卡车,以及KpA3-260B/ KrAZ -260V型军用重型牵引车;特别是其中的KpA3-260B牵引车,曾作为 S -300远程地空导弹系统的早期牵引车底盘,于上世纪90年一起引进到中国,并在1999年国庆50周年阅兵式上公开亮相。
(三花2016)1:35克拉斯KrAZ-260卡车评测_静态模型爱好者--致 …
2015年4月15日 · 克拉斯-260是一款9吨级的6 x 6重型越野卡车,使用雅罗斯拉夫尔汽车厂的JaMZ-238L八缸增压柴油机,马力达到288马力,最高时速80公里,最大行程850公里。
Kraz-260 - specifications, modifications, photo, review
KrAZ-260 is a special vehicle in the list of trucks produced by the Kremenchug Automobile Plant, which was able to replace the obsolete models 255 and 256 B. The model was produced since 1979 and was notable for its good cross-country ability and capacity.