Krix Loudspeakers
Discover audio excellence with Krix loudspeakers. Immerse yourself in unparalleled sound quality and craftsmanship. Elevate your audio experience today!
来自澳洲传奇的音响生产厂商——Krix(凯瑞斯) | FIPLAY
2017年3月15日 · Krix号角系列扬声器综合利用专利技术“声角的恒定指向”,与普通的扬声器比,它容易制造出更多的“最佳聆听位置”(皇帝位),这种技术还可以减少墙面和天花板的声波反射,创造出全空间立体声效果。
品牌丨透视Krix音响品牌的优秀产品与先进的技术 - 搜狐
2017年3月30日 · Krix经过了四十多年的发展与进步,现在已经成为全球知名的高级音响品牌。 在这四十多年以来,留给大家的先进影音技术与旗下的优秀产品。 并把产品触觉延伸到商业影院领域,带来了先进的专利音障墙和世界上第一款四路影院扬声器系统。 随着杜比全景声的普及,Krix也一直在与杜比合作开发专门满足杜比全景声需要的扬声器,带来杜比全景声的扬声器,这一切都见证着Krix多年以来的壮大与革新。 下面就为大家进一步讲述Krix音响品牌的优秀产品与先进的 …
Esoterix Altum试用!发明THX声障墙澳大利亚Krix搞出来的音箱如 …
Krix拥有杰出的的研发与开发团队,Krix运用行业最先进的生产研发设备,3D模化和计算机辅助设计出最尖端的产品,最先进的工厂和测试设施每只扬声器出厂前都会在严格建造的消音室中逐 …
来自澳洲音响传奇,Krix为你打造原汁原味的影院扬声器系统 | FIPLAY
2017年5月3日 · 现在的Krix使用最新的测试设备、三维建模和电脑科技设计音箱,目标便是力求设计出最完美的扬声器。 Krix以”持续不断的支持遍及世界各地的客户和经销商,提供一流的研发设计,制造杰出的扬声器,并发展壮大Krix集团”作为其奋斗目标。 实实在在的喇叭号角,结合运用Krix 专利喇叭技术,使得声音能在更宽的频率范围内得到极大的控制和覆盖。 恒定的号角,远远优于传统的喇叭和声波引导技术。 由于恒定号角应用,能得到更加卓越的音频“成像”,找回最精致、 …
走进Krix的音响世界——从车库中的传奇诞生 - FIPLAY
2017年3月24日 · Krix成立至今,已经走过了四十多个年头,但它在国际市场上安装和升级影院音响产品的脚步从未停顿,它的个人消费类音响产品、定制嵌入式音响系统,同样仍在不断为它赢得国内外各类用户和媒体的赞扬和荣誉。 下面就与大家一起走进Krix的音响世界! 本次先从Krix的传奇诞生谈起,这里又是一个励志的车库传奇故事。 Scott Krix先生. 又是在车库中的传奇诞生. Krix与众多杰出的Hi-Fi公司和音频技术公司一样,一切是以车库为起点。 作为Krix的创建人,Scott …
Krix/凯瑞斯音箱介绍 - 阿强家庭影院网
2016年3月20日 · Krix号角系列音箱是一个三音路双功放屏幕扬声器系统,能减少墙面和天花板的声波反射,为您创造出全空间立体声效果,让声音更真实、细腻、自然。 (附图——左边是Krix号角音箱,右边是传统音箱) 结合运用Krix 专利喇叭技术,使得声音能在更宽的频率范围内得到极大的控制和覆盖。 恒定的号角,远远优于传统的喇叭和声波引导技术。 咨询电话13241902523. 通俗来说就是号角音箱使声音能量集中,损耗小而且声音传送距离远,所以这个系列的音箱建议听 …
Krix - HomeTheaterHifi.com
2019年12月13日 · Distributed throughout the world, Krix is at the leading edge of loudspeaker design. Utilising the latest test equipment, 3D modeling and computer simulated design technology, Krix’s innovative research and development team is a pioneering force in the Australian loudspeaker industry.
Rav Krixt Tekrik :: Bestiary :: EverQuest :: ZAM
2007年7月24日 · northern half of the zone, large ruins surrounded by 6 smaller ruins. he spawns on the carpet behind some form of altar with a yunjo in front of it. took me 6 spawn cycles of roughly 25 minutes each to spawn him.
List of krix speakers, user reviews, editorial reviews, krix speakers ...
List of krix speakers, user reviews, editorial reviews, krix speakers deals, used krix speakers and more - audioreview.com
Krixt - Apple Music
Listen to music by Krixt on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Krixt including Elovrga (Cover), No AHY AMOR (feat. Krixt) and more.
KRXT 98.5 on the App Store
With the KRXT 98.5 app you get: - Real-time messaging with friends, listeners and DJs. - Rich social interactions to access your station's media feeds. - Live coverage of sporting events, concerts and more. - Interactive schedule of radio events and programming - set alerts and be notified when your favourite shows come on air. - Facebook feed.
来自澳洲的音响传奇,走进Krix(凯瑞斯)的音响世界 | FIPLAY
2017年11月21日 · Krix成立有着一段传奇的音响历程,从建立Krix至今,它已经走过了四十多个年头,但它在国际市场上安装和升级影院音响产品的脚步从未停顿,它的个人消费类音响产品、定制嵌入式音响系统,同样仍在不断为它赢得国内外各类用户和媒体的赞扬和荣誉。 下面就让我们一起来走进这个来自澳洲的Krix音响世界! 诞生于车库的传奇故事. Krix的创建人Scott Krix先生. Krix与众多杰出的Hi-Fi公司和音频技术公司一样,一切是以车库为起点。 作为Krix的创建人,Scott …
Krix - 50th Anniversary - Inner Magazines
2024年1月12日 · This year it is time for the prestigious Australian loudspeaker manufacturer, Krix Loudspeakers, to celebrate its 50th anniversary. What’s unusual is that in 2024, after five decades, Krix is still family-owned, the founder Scott Krix, along with his two brothers Gary and Ashley, still active in the business.
Rav Krixt Tekrik :: Bestiary :: EverQuest :: ZAM
2020年8月14日 · Everquest Mob, NPC, Bestiary Information for Rav Krixt Tekrik
Community - Cowboy Broadcasting Network, LLC
Community - Cowboy Broadcasting Network, LLC is a radio station group located in Taylor, Texas, in the the United States. It consists of the radio station KRXT 98.5, which broadcasts on 98.5 FM, and is popularly known as KRXT Radio. The station offers a Country format.
Rarundel's Memory :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM
You must now kill Rav Krixt Tekrik, who hits for 3200. Loot Rarundel's Locket and put it in the box and combine to create Rarundel's Closed Memory Box, then give the result to her. The spectral image takes something from ______.
KRIX — PM Audio AS
Distributed throughout the world, Krix is at the leading edge of loudspeaker design. Utilising the latest test equipment, 3D modeling and computer simulated design technology, Krix's innovative research and development team is a pioneering force in the Australian loudspeaker industry.
KRXT 98.5 FM Radio Station Information - Radio Lineup
KRXT is an FM radio station broadcasting at 98.5 MHz. The station is licensed to Rockdale, TX. The station broadcasts Country music programming. Lost a young irish setter 30 august. Name is Mac last seen at setter downs north of lee county road 411. Five hundred dollar reward. Call or text 281-543-8921 or 281-744-7603. Lost two young dogs, females.
KRXT 98.5 FM Listen Live - USA Radio Station - MyRadioBox
KRXT 98.5 FM features country music programmed with the hits of today and the great hits of the past. Listen online to KRXT 98.5 FM for free. One of the best radio station in USA. Listen live …