Kronospan - Leading manufacturer of wood-based panels
Discover the versatility of Cremona Oak, the new timeless elegance, with its classic yet contemporary designs. Kronodesign ® Most Preferred Collection is our most competitive melamine-faced product range. Impressively realistic decors with a multi-dimensional synchronized texture that trails the woodgrain design, creating a high-end look & feel.
Products - Kronospan - Leading manufacturer of wood-based …
Created in close consultation with leading designers and architects, Kronoart is a high-quality product for long-lasting facade cladding applications. It offers you the ideal mix of design freedom, amazing durability and weatherproof resilience to create stunning...
K016 Carbon Marine Wood - Standard - Kronodesign - Kronospan
Carbon Marine Wood is a masculine, moody, and appealing wood decor with a fine woodgrain. Despite its predominant dark colors, it has an elegant naturalness because it is not strictly linear but slightly irregular. The displayed decor may differ from the actual product. For accurate color matching, use an original sample.
德國KRONOSPAN卡扣超耐磨達文西系列 - 美樂蒂地板
原廠認證72小時防水,給你與家人更好的地板體驗。 有效抗大腸桿菌,保護全家健康生活。 不讓甲醛侵襲您的呼吸,打造安全的空氣品質。 家用耐磨無煩惱,保養好,陪您用到老。 發生緊急狀況時,爭取逃生時間。 卡扣緊緊相連,堅持守護您的雙腳。 解放雙手,讓木地板打掃衛生不再困 …
精选产品 - Kronospan
Kronospan克诺斯邦为您甄选最具竞争力且拥有永恒优雅花色系列的双饰面板产品。 和谐多维同步压花系列,真实细腻的花色令人印象深刻。 全新潮流系列精彩呈现一系列令人激动的花色, …
首頁 - Krono Span德國百年木地板
德國木地板領導品牌,歷經120年全球頂尖木製品領導品牌 關懷地球與下一世代,採新材質與專利技術 專研最多人使用的木地板解決方案。
關於KRONO - Krono Span德國百年木地板
作為全球木質基板產業的領導品牌,KronoSpan提供豐富多樣的產品線,包含PB、MDF、壓合地板,以及專為木質基板打造的UF、MUF和MF樹脂。 身為世界領先的人造板製造商,精進技術並持續開發和創新產品,已廣泛應用於地板、家具和翻新行業。
Kronospan - Palmer Timber
Kronospan - Synchro The synchro range mimics real wood textures with a deceptively impressive level of realism. The panels feature an impressive surface texture with extra-deep pores, which makes for a natural feel to the touch.
Kronotex Exquisit Nostalgia Teak Laminate Flooring 8mm
Nostalgia Teak is a beautiful warm-toned laminate flooring by Kronotex. Primarily a chestnut-brown colour, these boards feature such a large variation in colour that it is mesmerising to look at and you could indulge your eyes for hours at a time.
Kronospan 9691 BS Siam Teak (OSTERMANN: minipearl)
ABS edging Golden Teak wood pore. OSTERMANN does not sell the mentioned boards, they only serve as a help to find the corresponding OSTERMANN edge band. Request free samples to check the correct colour match!