Can anyone explain KRSI rankings to me? : r/CompetitiveWoW
2015年10月12日 · KRSI (Kihra's Resolve-> Weighted Survivability Index) is comprised of 50% self-TMI and 50% external healing required per second, weighted by resolve. The end result is then adjusted based on the amount of time you spent actively tanking.
Is KRSI (tank survivability) now reliable due to having ... - Reddit
2017年4月27日 · The thing about KRSI (Kihra's Resolve-Weighted Survivability Index) is: Resolve was a skill every tank lost with the Legion-Prepatch. It took the resolve value to get the unmitigated damage and did a lot of math with it to get numbers for …
Da li policija krsi zakon? : r/bih - Reddit
2024年5月29日 · Dakle, svi znam da ako bismo nosili noz sa sobom i kada bi nas policija zaustavila taj isti noz bi bio oduzet
How viable is the tank rankings on warcraftlogs? : r/wow - Reddit
2015年3月25日 · Khira of WarcraftLogs invented one (that uses TMI as one of its variables) called the KRSI = Kihra's Resolve-Weighted Survivability Index. It has to do more with how much you are healing yourself based on how much you could …
SBB krsi zakon o zastiti podataka o licnosti (GDPR)
2022年7月12日 · SBB krsi zakon o zastiti podataka o licnosti (GDPR) Pre 2 godine, nakon sto sam raskinuo ugovor sa kablovskim operaterom SBB sam i popunio papir u njihovoj poslovnici za Zakon o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti(Obrada podataka), prema njima nemam nikakva potrazivanja.
Kris Jenner Says It Was a 'Huge Mistake' Cheating on Robert
Yeah she was still married to Cait at the time and claimed that she was constantly being called “Kris Kardashian” everywhere she went - there was even a heavily staged moment where Michael Yo, one of E!’s main reporters at the time, called her Kris Kardashian on the red carpet as if he didn’t know her name was Jenner.
What happened to EXO's China line?(T/W: Kris Wu situation)
2023年3月28日 · A place to ask your K-Pop questions. You can get help with Identifications, Recommendations, Explanations, or Discussions about K-Pop music, artists, genres, content, or industry/cultural issues.
Capturing the king during a war : r/ck3 - Reddit
2021年1月6日 · Is there a tried and tested way of capturing the king during a war So far I've just been hitting the capital and/or the biggest army I can find in…
Is Hidan dead or not?! : r/Naruto - Reddit
2014年3月16日 · 18 votes, 33 comments. So hidan was trapped by shikamarus genius and buried in pieces, but hidan being immortal threatened to gnaw his way through…
Deltarune what happened to Kris[ Ending] Explained! : r/Deltarune
2019年11月30日 · Deltarune is a second game made by Toby which is now already a year old (the beta) there's still seems many questions left to figure out until the…