Ksp M/39中型機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ksp M/39 (瑞典語:Kulspruta M/39;解作「M/39式機槍」)是由位於瑞典 埃斯基爾斯蒂納市 (Eskilstuna)的 卡爾·古斯塔夫城市步槍兵工廠 (瑞典语:Carl Gustafs stads gevärsfaktori) (目前已經與佛倫內德飛比斯福肯軍械公司合併)特許生產的 白朗寧M1919A4 瑞典修改型的官方編號,為一款 可散式彈鏈 供彈及 後座作用 式操作的 全自動 氣冷式 中型機槍,先後發射 6.5×55毫米 (英语:6.5×55mm Swedish) 、 8×63毫米M/32 (英语:8×63mm patron m/32) 和 …
Kulspruta m/39 - Wikipedia
The Kulspruta m/39 (ksp m/39) is a Swedish development of the Browning M1917 machine gun. It is an air-cooled variant of the Kulspruta m/36. While primarily mounted on vehicles, it could also be used as an anti-aircraft weapon, with the latter mainly being chambered in …
M39 cannon - Wikipedia
The M39 cannon is a 20 mm caliber single-barreled revolver cannon developed for the United States Air Force in the late 1940s. It was used on a number of fighter aircraft from the early 1950s through the 1980s.
Ksp m/39 machine gun | Military Wiki | Fandom
Kulspruta m/39 (Ksp m/39) is the Swedish designation for the M1919A4, chambered in 6.5×55mm and 8×63mm patron m/32, license-built by Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori, and from about 1975 rebarreled in 7.62×51mm NATO.
Ksp M/39中型機槍 - Wikiwand
Ksp M/39 是由位於瑞典埃斯基爾斯蒂納市(Eskilstuna)的卡爾·古斯塔夫城市步槍兵工廠(目前已經與佛倫內德飛比斯福肯軍械公司合併)特許生產的白朗寧M1919A4瑞典修改型的官方編號,為一款可散式彈鏈供彈及後座作用式操作的全自動氣冷式中型機槍,先後發射6.5×55毫米、8×63毫米M/32和7.62×51毫...
Hotchkiss machinegun and Schwarzlose Machine gun in Sweden
After the introduction of the 7,62 NATO cartridge ptr 10, these machineguns were adopted to the new 7,62x51 mm round. The m/1936 is a water cooled machinegun with spade-type grips instead of the pistol type grip of the US Brownings. These machineguns where also mounted in twin mounts for anti aircraft especially on vehicles.
Ksp m/39 machine gun - Wikidata
en Kulspruta m/39 es Kulspruta m/39 it Kulspruta m/39 ru Kulspruta Ksp m/39 sv Kulspruta m/39 zh Ksp M/39中型機槍Swedish derivate of Browning M1919
CV90裝甲戰鬥車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
CV90裝甲戰鬥車,為 瑞典 製裝甲車族,已衍生出多款車型並外銷多國,與 JAS 39戰鬥機 、 偉士比級護衛艦 皆為1990年代瑞典國防工業的代表作品。 1978年時,瑞典陸軍希望以一種車體基本設計,發展出多種不同功能的衍生型來滿足陸軍的需求,並能大幅降低後勤維修成本。 1984年展開CV90的研發工作。 1986年,訂購Strf 9040和Strf 9025原型車,原型車在1988年至1991年間進行各項測試,首批於1994年交付。
About: Kulspruta m/39 - DBpedia Association
Kulspruta m/39 (ksp m/39) is the Swedish designation for the M1919A4, chambered in 6.5×55mm and 8×63mm patron m/32, license-built by Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori, and from about 1975 rebarreled in 7.62×51mm NATO.
Kulspruta m/39 – Wikipedia
Kulspruta m/39, förkortat ksp m/39, är en svenskframtagen kulspruta utvecklad från John Moses Brownings M1917 -kulsprutekonstruktion som licenstillverkades av Carl Gustafs stads gevärsfaktori.