KT&G has gained a competitive advantage in the market through change and innovation, and is growing into a global giant company by leaping into the world market beyond
KT&G 메인
한국산업의 브랜드 파워 세계 5위 글로벌 담배기업 KT&G는 '바른 기업', '깨어있는 기업', '함께하는 기업'이라는 경영이념 아래 길고 멀리보는 원칙경영으로 고객과 함께 상상하고 보다 나은 삶을 실현하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
Korea Tobacco & Ginseng Corporation - Wikipedia
KT&G Corporation (Korean: 주식회사 케이티앤지), originally Korea Tobacco & Ginseng, also branded as Korea Tomorrow & Global, is the leading tobacco company in South Korea with annual sales over US$4 billion.
About KT&G > Value system | KT&G - en.ktng.com
KT&G, which began in 1883 with the establishment of the Sunhwaguk, has been a part of South Korea's tobacco history for over 140 years. Guided by its management philosophy of being a righteous, enlightened, and collaborative company, KT&G strives to build trusted relationships with stakeholders and is committed to improving the quality of life.
韓菸人蔘股份 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
KT&G,全名為 韓菸人蔘股份有限公司 (韓交所: 033780),是 南韓 大型 菸草 集團,每年營業額、盈利、投資等,達至超過20億美元不等。 該集團的產品是韓國最普遍品牌。 第一、印第高、阿里安、德士、德士專貴、澤士、伊詩、威信、及盧吉士等品牌。 除此之外,KT&G還涉足人參公司、製藥、生物科技、房地產等,總部位於 大田廣域市。 1948年11月,韓國財政部成立菸草專賣局。 [3] 1987年更名為「韓國專賣公社」;1989年更名為「韓國菸草人蔘專賣公社」。 1997 …
About KT&G > Brands_Export | KT&G - ktng.com
Released in 1996, ESSE is the most popular cigarette in Korea. It is steadily gaining popularity in CIS region, Middle East and Asia. It has become an indisputable leader among the world's super silme cigarettes, and is mainly perferred by young smokers. Style up & Compact size. A soft, clean-flavored brand with a sens. Style up & Compact size.
기업소개 > About Us | KT&G - ktng.com
KT&G는 담배 및 인삼을 제조 판매하는 글로벌 기업입니다. BIO 사업 및 Health & Beauty 사업 등을 통해 국내 제약 기술을 선도합니다.
KT&G 동우회 - ktng.com
동우회 갤러리. 2025 이웃사랑 떡국떡나눔 봉사 전북도민일보 보도자료 2025-01-22 ; 2025 이웃사랑 떡국떡나눔 봉사 2025-01-22 ; 2025 이웃사랑 떡국떡나눔 봉사 2025-01-22 ; 동우회 갤러리 더보기
About KT&G > Global Network > Global Network | KT&G - ktng…
KT&G is leading the global market by expanding its overseas corporations and international value chains. Noble House Lt.39, No.2, Jalan Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav. E 4.2, RT.5/RW.2, Kuningan, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12950.
KTNG - 百度百科