XCITING VS 400 – Kymco Philippines
Xciting VS 400i is a full ABS with TCS, Keyless sport touring scooter design to satisfy riders seeking the blend of performance and comfort. Max. Horsepower (Kw/Rpm) Max. Torque (Nm/Rpm)
KYMCO 光陽機車官網|Xciting VS 400
行政院環境保護署、內政部警政署及公路監理機關將針對車主擾寧之行為及製造噪音之車輛加強取締,以維護民眾生活安寧。 KYMCO車主請使用原廠零件,不要改裝非法元件,以免觸法受罰 …
20.8萬、7月底購車贈GIVI旅箱!KYMCO XCITING VS400 發表上市 …
2023年7月21日 · kymco今日在展場上也宣布xciting vs400的優惠方案,在車展期間和七月底前購車,就能享有一萬元購車金、givi 43l旅箱,憑xciting行照購車,還能再享有1萬元的優惠。
Kymco vs Honda scooters : r/scooters - Reddit
Kymco started as a Honda subsidiary, so their business model has always been to compete with Honda's scooter division. The difference being that Honda's scooters take less development resources compared to their cars and manual motorcycles, whereas scooters are Kymco's primary product line.
[2023國際重型機車展]售價20.8萬,Kymco Xciting VS 400在臺上 …
Kymco Xciting VS 400 的建議售價為新臺幣 20.8 萬元。 以自家 Xciting S400 TCS 為基礎升級的 Xciting VS 400,率先於歐洲市場上市後,在原廠產能調配、回穩的條件下,正式登上臺灣市場,機種代碼「SK80EA」與既有車款差異化,搭載排氣量 400 c.c.引擎,原廠表示,車輛目前已陸續進行國內相關認證,因此性能輸出表現有待後續公布,現階段僅揭示包含車輛尺碼、前 120/70-15、後 150/70-14 配胎規格與前後雙碟煞車系統等資訊。 Kymco Xciting VS 400 率先於歐洲 …
2023 KYMCO Xciting VS 400 試駕|堆疊層次外型小改 不變的是潛 …
2023年12月27日 · 自 2012 年開放紅黃牌級距重型機車可行駛高架道路與快速道路以來,對於台灣各地的東西向快速道路的便利通勤需求量也增加,為此 KYMCO 至此便開始推出 250~500c.c. 的黃牌羊車款,其中最為齊全的車系便屬於可攻可守的多用途黃牌大型速可達 Xciting 車系,若要說 ...
KYMCO Scooters: Reliable? Worth it? What You Need-to-Know
2023年5月13日 · If you’re curious about how Kymco scooters stack up against the competition – check out the spreadsheet linked at the bottom of this scooter buying guide. You can filter it to compare to the features that matter to you! Is Kymco a …
Kymco Xciting Vs 400 - Zigwheels
The Kymco Xciting Vs 400 2025 price in the Philippines starts from ₱384,000. it is available in 1 variants in the Philippines. The Xciting Vs 400 is powered by a 400 cc engine, and has a Variable Speed gearbox. The Xciting Vs 400 comes with Disc …
XCITING VS 400 - Kymco
Le XCITING VS 400 offre une approche centrée sur le pilote pour une conduite sans stress et un confort optimal. Que ce soit pour vos déplacements professionnels ou vos loisirs, le XCITING VS 400 offre un équilibre parfait pour répondre à vos besoins. Location avec option d’achat après un 1er loyer majoré d’un montant de 1949 €*
SYM VS Kymco Scooter: Which One Is Right For You?
SYM VS Kymco Scooter 125: The sym and kymco 125 are two of the most popular motorcycles on the market. They both have their own unique features that set them apart from one another. The sym is known for its powerful engine and good acceleration. The kymco is known for its lightweight frame and good handling.