l-Transposition of the Great Arteries - American Heart Association
Like patients with atrial repair of d-TGA, the right ventricle may weaken, leading to congestive heart failure. Abnormally slow heart rhythms may cause fainting or fatigue. The most worrisome slow heart rhythm, complete heart block, is common in l-transposition. Rapid heart rhythms are less common than in d-TGA patients. Ongoing Care
Transposition of the Great Arteries - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2024年9月30日 · Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a congenital cardiac defect caused by an embryological discordance between the aorta and pulmonary trunk or by both atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial discordance—a condition often …
Transposition of the great arteries {S, D, L} - ScienceDirect
1995年9月1日 · The main difference between TGA {S,D,L} and typical TGA {S,D,D} is that the ventricular segment is often abnormal in TGA {S,D,L} (Table V), whereas this is seldom the case in classic TGA {S,D,D}. L-TGA in association with D-loop ventricles plus the characteristic six related additional anomalies ( Table V ) may be regarded as a complex 18 : the ...
大动脉转位(TGA) - 儿科学 - MSD诊疗手册专业版
大动脉的转位(TGA)是一个广泛的术语,包括右旋TGA(d-TGA)和一个罕见的缺陷称为 左旋TGA (l-TGA)。 d-TGA:一种更常见的变异,其中主动脉位于肺动脉的右侧和前部,起源于右心室而不是左心室。 I-TGA:一种不太常见的变异,其中主动脉定位于左侧 和肺动脉前部。 这种异常通常与由于原始心管向左循环导致的心室倒置有关,导致通常称为先天性矫正转位的情况。 因为 d-TGA是迄今为止最常见的形式,通常简称为转位。 本主题讨论了d-TGA,而l-TGA 在其他地 …
Transposition of the Great Arteries | Circulation - AHA/ASA …
2006年12月12日 · Complete transposition of the great arteries is also known as d-TGA; the “d-” refers to the dextroposition of the bulboventricular loop (ie, the position of the RV, which is on the right side). The aorta also tends to be on the right and anterior, and the great arteries are parallel rather than crossing as they do in the normal heart.
左襻型大动脉转位的解剖、临床表现和诊断 - UpToDate
左襻型大动脉转位(levo-/L-looped transposition of the great arteries, L-TGA)是罕见的先天性心脏病,特征是房室连接和心室大动脉连接不一致 。本病也常称为先天性矫正型TGA、双重连接不一致或心室反转(ventricular inversion)。
Transposition of the Great Arteries, L-Type
2020年12月7日 · Cove Point contains comprehensive information on all congenital heart defects, including Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), and Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF).
Cyanotic Cardiac Lesions L-TGA - UTMB Health
2017年7月7日 · L-TGA is commonly associated with other CHD such as VSD (50%), pulmonary stenosis, left AV valve (tricuspid) insufficiency, complete AV block (AVB) and other arrhythmias. Making the diagnosis Patients with L-TGA are usually …
Transposition of the great arteries {S, D, L}
Transposition of the great arteries with situs solitus of the viscera and atria (S), D-loop ventricles (D), and L-transposition (L) was characterized by six additional interrelated anomalies that largely determined surgical management: (1) ventricular septal defect, usually conoventricular, in 96%; (2) malalignment of the conal septum ...
Transposition of Great Arteries - SpringerLink
2025年2月5日 · TGA refers to the discordant ventriculo-arterial connection, where the aorta arises from the morphological RV, and the pulmonary artery arises from the morphological LV. The diagnosis and evaluation of both types of TGA (d-TGA and l-TGA) are covered in this chapter.