[L4D2] Activating the elevator in NM4 - AlliedModders
2012年6月24日 · Once the elevator is open in No Mercy 4, is it possible to have a plugin that allows the elevator to go up as soon as the button is pressed even if some people are still not …
Steam Workshop::NIGHTMARE
2024年1月15日 · Limited ammo, gun recoil, hardcore balance, deadly specials, and much more. No Mercy on realism is a good place to start, or any of the original L4D1 campaigns. Stylistically the pack is inspired by Turtle Rock's L4D, & Cry of Fear.
Left 4 Dead 2 - Steam Community
Left 4 Dead 2 Your own custom apocalypse Discover and download new maps, Add-ons, Mutations and more! Want to try your hand at modding or want to upload your mod to Steam? …
[L4D] Restricted Zones - AlliedModders
2009年1月11日 · This plugin allows you to define specific locations as restricted zones for the Survivors in L4D. You can define up to 10 locations for each map. This was meant for places like the closet near the elevator in the No Mercy Hospital, or under the Ramp on the finale of …
The safe zone map in the saferoom of Crash Course *Spoilers
However, some aspect of L4D2, campaign 1 is supposed to have a no-infected component to it, even if it's just the opening movie. What we see on the saferoom map: - New Orleans safe zone still...
[L4D2]Nuclear Missile [v4.0] - AlliedModders
03-07-2022 , 05:10 Re: [L4D2]Nuclear Missile [v2.0] # 10 how about adding a timer to have it to auto send so players have a set time to do the level before it all ends =O
Video :: l4d nm4 elevator pull - spectator view - Steam Community
Steam Community: Left 4 Dead 2. Another elevator pull. The victim manages to shoot the smoker, but it's too late!
【L4D2创意工坊】Noveske N4(M16) - 哔哩哔哩
MOD名称:Noveske N4(M16) 链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3430852221 替换M16。 这是一次翻新,是对之前两款并不满意的N4的MOD进行的翻新;也是一次魔改,如果不提醒你的话,第一眼你应该看不出来这是BO6的动画:我在上一款URG-I的MOD基础上进行了调整:左手握枪位置向后调整,枪身由向左倾斜改为摆正。 感谢大佬 @ExsaitX 对此模型的授权,另外感谢 …
求生之路2中文网-求生之路2地图_MOD_插件 - 求生之路2爱好者联盟
2017年11月1日 · 将求生之路2中4人组替换为舰娘4人组的萌系MOD,再搭配本站提供的语音包MOD,赶紧来一场僵尸萌战吧! 该MOD由国内大神uuz创建,个人主页:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656... 地图名:生化危机-爆发 地图模式:合作 英文名:Resident Evil Outbreak : File 1 最后更新:2016-11-16 关卡数:7/7 版本号:7.0 作者提示:由于本地图采用了非常多的自定义模型,所以安装了过多MO... 一个宣扬世界末日的组织在收音 …
Ranked moderated L4D2 Versus games with our own Anti-Cheat, available for players of all levels and continents. Play with opponents of your own level, without cheaters, ragequitters, votekicks and toxic players.
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