Interstate Cadet - Wikipedia
The Interstate Cadet is an American two-seat tandem, high wing, single-engine monoplane light aircraft. Around 320 of these aircraft were produced between the years 1941 and 1942 by the …
Interstate L-6 “Grasshopper” - National Museum of the USAF
The Interstate Co. entered the aviation industry in 1940 with the S-1B "Cadet," a tandem seat liaison airplane. When the United States entered World War II, the U.S. Army Air Forces …
Interstate L-6 Cadet – Cannon Field 53T
Distinguishing features of the L-6 include: enlarged cabin with “greenhouse” windows, balanced horizontal stabilizer with elevator horn, cabin door swings up (on the L-8/Cadet it swings …
The Interstate L-6 and L-8: Overheated and Underproduced
2022年12月7日 · Like the Cadet before it, the L-6 was built more ruggedly than its primary competitors, the L-2, L-3, and L-4. It was considered a superior aircraft for rough field and …
S1B-1 L-6 Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, Performance
The Interstate Cadet was an American two-seat tandem, high wing, single-engine monoplane light aircraft. The S1B-1 is a variant with a different engine than the base model with greater …
INTERSTATE S1B “CADET” - Plane & Pilot Magazine
2009年2月10日 · The original Cadet was produced in a number of versions using engines from 65 hp to 102 hp. Most popular was the S513 using a 102-hp four-cylinder Franklin. The tandem …
2024年10月20日 · 目前是新手,拿了驾照七八年了,基本没碰过车。 想着智驾功能好点的话,是不是会安全省心些。 懂车帝理想L6车友圈,提供1.理想l6明年会有改款吗? 要不要再继续等 …
2024年4月19日 · 从结果来看,理想的选择就是 —— 再好好梳理一遍 l6 哪里还能刀: 全系列不可选空气弹簧; 换电池容量更小的磷酸铁锂;
L6 EM-i搭载1.5L插电混动系统,发动机最大功率82kW,匹配19.09kWh磷酸铁锂电池,纯电续航115km,馈电油耗3.95L/100km。 L7 EM-i车长较现款增加10mm,配备机械门把手,分体式 …
银河L6 EM-i实车曝光:新款与老款对比及推荐 - 懂车帝
智能科技配置 新款L6 EM-i - 先进的智能驾驶辅助系统:新款车型配备了多项智能驾驶辅助功能,如自适应巡航、车道保持和自动泊车等,提升了行车安全性和便利性。
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