FN MAG - Wikipedia
The official British Army designation for the current version is the L7A2 GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun). The L7 was adopted by the British forces as a replacement for the long-serving Vickers machine gun (in the medium role) and the Bren (in …
L7通用機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
L7是英國軍隊對FN MAG(法語: Mitrailleuse d`Appui Général ,意為:通用機槍)槍族的官方編號,為一系列可散式彈鏈供彈及氣動式操作的中型 通用機槍,發射7.62×51毫米 北约 口徑 步枪 子彈。
L7通用机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
L7 是 英国军队 对 FN MAG (法语: Mitrailleuse d`Appui Général,意为:通用机枪)枪族的官方编号,为一系列 可散式弹链 供弹及 气动式操作 的 中型 通用机枪,发射 7.62×51毫米 北约 口径 步枪 子弹。 L7通用机枪被英国军队所采用。 [1] L7和相关的L8是FN MAG的特许生产衍生型。 英国陆军的当前版本正式给予编号为L7A2 GPMG(通用机枪)。 L7在1957年的试验以后被英军所采用,作为长期于英军服役的 维克斯机枪 (中距离用途)和 布伦轻机枪 (轻型突击用途)的替代 …
British L7 General Purpose Machine Gun - Historical Firearms
British L7 General Purpose Machine Gun Designed by Ernest Vervier, the FN MAG or Mitrailleuse d'Appui Général became the principal general purpose machine gun of many Western nations. The MAG brings together design traits from a number of earlier weapons including the Browning Automatic Rifle and the German MG42.
L7通用机枪 - 百度百科
L7通用机枪是英国军队对FN MAG(法语:Mitrailleuse d`AppuiGénéral,意为:通用机枪)枪族的官方编号,一挺可散式弹链供弹及气动式操作的中型通用机枪,发射7.62 × 51 毫米北约口径步枪子弹。
Enfield L7 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) - Military Factory
2017年7月28日 · The L7 GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun) - sometimes called 'Gimpy' or 'Jimpy') was the hugely successful Belgian FN MAG (detailed elsewhere on this site) in British Army service. Largely faithful to the original design, the L7 incorporated only minor changes (this accomplished by the Royal Small Arms Factory - Enfield Lock) to better suit ...
英国L7A1式/L7A2式7.62mm通用机枪 - 知乎
L7通用机枪(GPMG)由FN MAG机枪发展而来。 英国武装部队将其作为轻机枪(LMG)和持续射击机枪使用了很多年,并且仍把它定位为持续射击机枪。 但是很多单位把它作为轻机枪使用,尤其是突击队和空降兵部队。 作为轻机枪使用时,在整合的两脚架上射击,而作为持续射击机枪则在 …
General Purpose Machine Gun - The British Army
The L7A2 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) is a 7.62mm x 51mm belt-fed general purpose machine gun which can be used as a light weapon and in a sustained fire (SF) role. In the SF role, mounted on a tripod and fitted with the C2 optical sight, it is fired by a two-man team.
Enfield L7: Photos, History, Specification - Military Equipment …
After trials with Belgian artillery and the American M60 GPMG in 1956, the British Army adopted the L7 in 1963 as the standard GPMG for light infantry support missions. Dozens of variants in the series followed, improving the feed and different characters on the battlefield.
L7 'Gimpy' General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) | ParaData
After the Second World War the Belgian Mitrailleuse d’Appui General (MAG – General Purpose Machine Gun) was selected as the winning design to replace both the Vickers Heavy Machine Gun and Bren Light Machine Gun. Built under licence at the Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield it was renamed 7.62mm L7A2 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), or 'Gimpy'.
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