L96 - Battlefield 3 Guide - IGN
Jun 7, 2012 · How creative can you get with your first free checklist? The L96 is one of ten new weapons available in the Back to Karkand Expansion Pack. It's a British made, high performance sniper rifle....
L96A1 - Battlefield Wiki
The L96 is a weapon introduced in the Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand expansion and is unlocked upon the completion of the Creeping Death assignment. It was first seen in the Strike at Karkand Gameplay Trailer.
前些天看那个l96抽风狙,l96配4倍镜,近距离打上半身一枪死, 今天我特意用l96解锁了4倍镜.....屁颠屁颠的换上,以为又可以像bc2那样的冲锋狙了.... 现实狠狠的给了我一巴掌.....你懂得.... 求解释.... 为嘛打不死....还是要打头
Easy way to Unlock the L96? - Battlefield 3 - GameFAQs
anyone have any tips to unlock the L96 in Battlefield 3: Back To Karkand? it's INCREDIBLY challenging ): any tricks our tips would help me and other people looking for a way, also it looks...
Battlefield 3 How to get the L96 Sniper Rifle - YouTube
Oh man took me like a 1000 tries to do this commentary XD ! Have Fun ^^Do 50 Headshots with a Sniper RifleDo 50 Spot Assists (I recommend the Motion Sensor ;...
unlock L96 in bf3 premium - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Jul 31, 2014 · I have completed the assignments to unlock the QBU88 so that I can get the L96 but I cannot seem to get the QBU?
L96 - BATTLEFIELD 3 Wiki - BF3 Wiki - atwiki(アットウィキ)
Nov 28, 2012 · DLC「Back to Karkand」から追加されたボルトアクションスナイパーライフル。 パッチ以前はトップクラスのコッキング速度と長距離狙撃時の優れたパフォーマンスで万能といえる性能であったが現在は下方修正された。 コッキング速度が M98B よりも遅く、ボルト狙撃銃カテゴリでは最も遅い。 下方修正されたとはいえ装填数が10発あり弾速がやや高く弾道落下も緩やかなため中~長距離からヘッドショットで確実に敵を仕留めるのには申し分無い性能。 …
how do i unlock weapons? - Battlefield 3 - GameFAQs
For normal weapons, yes. However the L96 is part of the Karkand expansion. If you have it, then you need to complete the L96 assignment (which has the QBU assignment as a prereq). Stay mobile...
BF3 Showdown - L96 vs M40 - YouTube
My BF3 Platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/... Follow me to know when i'm going LIVE! Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/intheworksmedia Facebook: / intheworksmedia Google +:...
unlock L96 in bf3 premium | EA Forums - 6210995
I have completed the assignments to unlock the QBU88 so that I can get the L96 but I cannot seem to get the QBU?
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