Home - LAXVOX Tube
LAXVOX provides multichannel biofeedback through various exercises and creates holistic cognition of the vocalizing process.
Technique - LAXVOX Tube
INSTRUCTIONS OF LAX VOX VOICE THERAPY TECHNIQUE. I- Relaxing and focusing on posture and breathing – Take a good posture (Ideal for both breathing and laryngeal functions-long spine) – Face, neck, upper back, and chest muscles are relaxed (Freeing the muscles towards gravitation) II- Preparing to do the bubbling with phonation
LAX VOX® Institute by Stephanie A. Kruse
LAX VOX® hilft dir deine gesunde Stimme gesund zu halten. Es unterstützt deine Stimme bei der Regeneration nach einem Infekt und unterstützt deinen Heilungsprozess bei einer Stimmstörung. Du kannst LAX VOX® auch nutzt um deine Stimmziele im Gesang zu erreichen: Erweitern der Range, sanftes Passagio, Laut in der Höhe, stabiler Stimmklang ...
History - LAXVOX Tube
The biofeedback helps the laxvoxer to become conscious of his or her way of healthy voice production. laxVOX tube is a simple tool for immediately correct and facilitate the function of the vocal mechanism in short time. It changes the agent’s behavior and attitude bringing freedom and joy to voice use.
Lax Vox For Beginners
2025年2月20日 · Singing Songs with Lax Vox One of the best ways to apply this tool is by using it on challenging sections of songs . If there’s a part in a song that feels difficult—maybe a high note or a tricky transition—sing it first through the tube , …
Lax Vox as a Voice Training Program for Teachers: A Pilot Study
Lax Vox training for teachers appears to improve select measures of voice quality, maximum phonation time, vocal function, self-evaluation, and perceived applicability.
The Ultimate Guide to SOVT Exercises, Vocal Conditioning, and …
2024年9月16日 · The Lax Vox technique is a powerful, science-backed SOVT exercise that uses water resistance to create an optimal environment for vocal fold vibration. Phonating through a 9 mm silicone tube submerged in water not only reduces strain but also provides instant feedback to help singers refine their technique.
Lax Vox Voice Therapy Technique (LVVT) with the combination of artificial elongation of vocal tract and semi occlusion by water resistance works as an effective tool for healing the voice production apparatus and improving its function.
Das ist LAX VOX®. - LAX VOX® Institute by Stephanie A. Kruse
LAX VOX® ist die Stimmübung zur Pflege, Regeneration und zum Training deiner Stimme. Sie wurde in den 1990er Jahren von der finnischen Logopädin Marketta Sihvo entwickelt und von ihr benannt. LAX VOX® bedeutet lockere, freie Stimme und genau so fühlt sich deine Stimme nach 3-5 Minuten laxvoxen an.
Analysis of the Immediate Effects of the LaxVox Technique on …
2022年3月4日 · Digital videokymography analysis revealed that the LaxVox technique reduces the mean vocal fold opening in the posterior glottal region of women with voice complaints.