Restoring LBSC's 'O' gauge 'Bat'; Methylated Spirit fired. | JSB …
Not only would this have been prototypical surely it would have been easier as you wouldn’t have needed 4 eccentrics. We shall never know! Here is a short video of the ‘BAT’ in action on the workshop bench, March 2010:
Steve's Model Engineering: BAT - Blogger
BAT is the name LBSC gave to the meths fired 'O' gauge schools class locomotive he designed for use indoors during the blackouts! Crazy or what, just imagine the health and safety brigade with that!
LBSC's BAT plans - Home Model Engine Machinist Forum
2009年7月8日 · Anybody know where I can find a copy of LBSC's O scale live steam locomotive called the BAT? I know that I can get a photo copy of the plans from TEE Publishing, but I'd really like to find a source that's on the Colony side of the pond.
An 'O' gauge live steam 'BAT' designed by LBSC - YouTube
The model is Methylated Spirit fired with electronic low water alarm. LBSC designed it to be coal fired too, but the grate is tiny & I suspect you would need coal dust!
Set castings O-gauge "Bat" - Stock code 2205 - Station Road Steam
If spirit-fired, LBSC thought it would be the ideal thing for running round a scenic track indoors during the blackouts, hence "Bat" (yes, I think it's a barmy idea too). Set of castings, completed frames and flanged boiler kit, ordered from Kennions in 1962.
Metric stuff & LBSC BAT in Alibre CAD - YouTube
The first part of this vid is a standard BAT with all the plumbing simplified as far as I can figure it out.
O gauge live steam. LBSC Bat Express running - YouTube
2012年9月12日 · "Bat" is hauling 7 coaches around a magnificent layout. Then a second Bat was double-headed (but it was not under steam). In memory of Bat's designer, LBSC....more
LBSC’s ‘O’ gauge Bat 029 | JSB Model Restorations
LBSC’s ‘O’ gauge Bat 029 Published July 19, 2011 at 2792 × 1525 in LBSC’s ‘Bat’ BoilerBoiler
KENNIONS Model Engineering Supplies - BAT O Gauge
Adhesives / Lubricants Gasket Sheet Bondloc Products Graphite String and Packing Lagging Soldering / Flux / Acid Solder Flux Dry Acid Sundries Balls Ball Race Black Knobs Brass Boiler Band Brass Half Round Drive Belting Handrail Stanchions Neoprene Tube O Rings Polycarbonate Sheet Springs Stainless Mesh Castings O Gauge Locomotives Royal Scot ...
I still believe in LBSC--- - The Home Machinist! - Chaski
2003年3月14日 · Our Britannia boasts a home made LBSC designed injector--- it is still working after 16 yrs in our hands--- yet some say they cannot be made to work. Britannia and Maisie stand out as being perhaps his very best work, Maisie, a 1930s effort was updated with a boiler with more superheater flues.