HVACR Performance Testing and Certification Services - UL …
Load-based testing (LBT) In LBT, the controls that are integral to the equipment are allowed to operate as they were designed by the equipment manufacturers. This dynamic testing approach involves emulating a building’s sensible and latent loads by adjusting temperature and humidity setpoints of the psychrometric chamber reconditioning system.
Product iQ | UL Solutions
Product iQ is UL Solutions' online location for certification information. It combines data from many legacy UL solutions, including the Online Certification Directory, Product Spec and several iQ databases into one streamlined experience.
LBT是什么?怎么增加通信可靠性? - 知乎专栏
LBT (listen before talk),顾名思义“先听后说”或者叫“先听后发”,是无线电通信中使用较为广泛的一种技术,无线电发射机在开始传输之前首先会侦听其无线电环境,检测信道是否空闲,若信道处于繁忙状态则等待信道空闲时再传输,避免信道访问冲突,实现信道频谱共享。 2. 怎么增加通信可靠性? 2.1 LBT机制内容简介. (1)发送数据前首先检测信道是否有使用,如果检测出信道繁忙,则等待一段随机时间后,才发送数据。 (2)接收端如果正确收到此帧数据,则经过一段时间间 …
5.21 LBT operation – TechSpec - itecspec.com
Consistent LBT failure is detected per UL BWP by counting LBT failure indications, for all UL transmissions, from the lower layers to the MAC entity. RRC configures the following parameters in the lbt-FailureRecoveryConfig :
Method and apparatus for lbt failure detection - Google Patents
a method for LBT failure detection performed by a UE includes: receiving, by a MAC entity of the UE, an LBT failure indication from a lower layer for all UL transmissions; increasing an LBT...
Finding UL Listed and Certified Fire-Rated Products with UL …
UL Product iQ® Database, is an online search engine platform that helps users find UL Listed and UL Certified products, components and materials. The search function supports keyword searches by file number, product type, category control number (CCN), fire-resistive design or assembly number, and model number.
ul 失步时,在rrc_connected期间ul数据到达(cbra) UL data arrival during RRC_CONNECTED when there are no PUCCH resources for SR available; RRC_CONNECTED态下,UL数据到达时,UE没有可用的PUCCH资源用于SR传输(此时允许上行同步的UE使用RACH来替代SR) 基 …
5G非授权频谱技术与应用建议 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
由LTE-U Forum提交的LTE-U(LTE Unlicensed)方案在3GPP R12版本中体现,在3GPP R13 规范中已批准了LBT 的 LAA (Licensed Assisted Access,授权辅助接入)和网络间互操作的LWA(LTE-WLAN Aggregation,LTE-WLAN聚合)。 美国高通公司主导的Mutefire技术,可以不依赖授权频段锚点、独立部署在非授权频段。 2020年7月冻结的3GPP R16 标准已支持NR-U(NR Unlicensed,基于NR 的非授权频段接入)技术,使用NR 协议在非授权频段提供接入服务, …
myUL® – A New, Full-Service Client Portal
Search, View, and download your UL Solutions reports, procedures and global certifications. Browse documents and associated supplements. Download multiple documents at once. View information date (s), factory representative, type of product inspected, type of business, file number, inspection center and any variation notices linked to the report.
E93687 for Mylar Specialty Films | UL Solutions - UL Prospector
The Product Category, also known as the UL Category Description, describes the product classification under which an item or product is listed. A code UL has assigned to identify and track this listing. Model numbers included in the listing. Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both.