Custom Toyota LandCruiser 79 "Rambler" by TJM review
2019年4月30日 · TJM has applied their know-how to build the ultimate 4x4 rig, the Land Cruiser based Rambler Edition LC79 by TJM. Read 4x4 Australia's feature on WhichCar. Big, brash and brawny Rambler LC79 is a dream made true, in all its track-busting glory.
This TJM Outback bull bar is 4×4 equipped with a steel winch-mount, combination lights, and reinforced T-slot recovery jack points. It’s ready to work for you with dual aerial mounts and mounting points for installing large driving lights.
LandCruiser 79 Lovells GVM Upgrade - TJM Melbourne - TJM …
The solution for owners/managers of Toyota Landcruiser 79 Series Single Cab 1/17 on build date – LC79 Cab Chassis vehicles (Single Cab) who have a need to carry loads to a GVM of 4200kg (up from 3400kg standard GVM).
丰田LC79 D4D 澳式改装完成 坐标深圳 - 汽车之家
2021年7月26日 · 底盘开始定了OME BP-51全套升高方案,但综合对比选择了安装TJM PACE的升高方案。 舒适型大幅度提高,越野还未测试,但依靠加大轮胎和升高避震应该有更好的表现。 RAM支架好用,但请注意日晒久后球头橡胶会老化脱落。 ARB 前牛栏杆不配个短波天线说不过去啊. 车多少? 这个是什么颜色? ,看着带劲,不是白色也不是沙漠黄. 不再犹豫28 2021/11/06 09:37:56 发表在 16楼. 这个是什么颜色? ,看着带劲,不是白色也不是沙漠黄. 好车! 在头条 …
少见!LC79皮卡变身6X6硬汉 - 车家号
这台LC79采用了Jmacx旗下的 6x6改装套件来替换原厂的后桥和板簧,Jmacx可以为LC70系列和LC200提供改装方案,其改装套件经过了法律认证,可以合法上路行驶。
LC79 FRONT FLARE - TJM Dandenong
These deluxe flares for front (pair) have a black gel coat finish and suit Toyota Landcruiser 70 Series V8 2007+ utes and troopy. When fitting wide wheels and tyres to your vehicle. FEATURES: Includes fitting kit with piping and rivets.
【图】【桔子日记】你梦想中的越野车,越野车的天花板 LC79前 …
2022年3月20日 · 丰田LC79是前、后硬桥的硬派结构,再加上钢板结构的后悬挂,原始传统的分时四驱系统,并且带了三把锁,各种硬配置可以看出它的确是越野方面的好手。 走实用路线,涉水喉、绞盘、双拖车钩、高强度LED车顶灯、双备胎,总之这个车必须把越野特性尽情展现,涉水喉也让它的越野能力又提升一个档,毕竟涉水是越野常遇到的事情,这个东西还是很重要的! 醒目的身份标识,展示着它不一样的内涵,这不是一辆普通的皮卡,而是LC79! 丰田LC79的原车内饰 …
The Genuine TJM Outback bull bar range delivers exceptional frontal protection for your Toyota Landcruiser. Meticulously engineered, these bull bars are among the finest on the market. Featuring New Full-Wrap Rolled Cato Straps and 63mm outer pipework, they provide enhanced strength, damage deflection, and headlight pr
LC79 Archives | TJM Hunter Valley
2020年12月17日 · Truck-like capabilities, with the flexibility to be set up as a comfortable tourer that can still do the hard stuff when you need to. Reliability, durability, old school live axles, lots of after-market mods available, a motor that will happily lug an overweight 4WD and caravan around all day – have we missed anything?
Toyota LandCruiser LC79 Series Bull Bars & Accessories - Offroad …
This is a stealth hoop to suit the Offroad Animal Predator bar for the face lift MY24 Toyota Landcruiser 70 series. It can house most 20-22" single row LED light bars. This hooop bolts on with 2 M10 high tensile bolts. Great for radiator...