LCM-1E - Wikipedia
The LCM-1E is a class of amphibious mechanized landing craft manufactured by Navantia at their factory in San Fernando. These craft are intended to deliver troops and equipment onshore from amphibious assault ships during amphibious assaults.
LCM-1两栖登陆艇 - 百度百科
LCM-1机动两栖登陆艇(英语:LCM-1E Mechanised Landing Craft)是西班牙海军为了配合胡安·卡洛斯一世号战略投送舰的开发了新一代硬式两栖登陆艇。 首批两艘LCM-1原型艇(L-601、602)由巴赞厂(Bazan)建造,在2001年3月服役;根据两艘LCM-1的测试经验,西班牙进而推出量产版本的LCM -1E,至2008年共建成12艘(L-603~614)进入西班牙海军服役,与LCM-1的主要差别在于更换柴油主机。
LCM-1E Class Amphibious Mechanised Landing Craft
2014年12月10日 · LCM-1E (Landing Craft Mechanical 1E) is a medium-sized fast landing craft designed and constructed by Navantia for use in amphibious landing operations. It is designed to operate with landing platform dock (LPD) / landing helicopter dock (LHD) amphibious assault ships to transport large quantities of cargo, troops and equipment between ship and ...
LHD Landing Craft (LLC) - Royal Australian Navy
The LCM-1E can transport between a ship and the coast starting at a distance greater than 20 nautical miles (37 km). To perform this type of landing, the LCM-1E are equipped with a radar navigation, GPS, gyro needle/magnetic, and HF communications equipment, VHF and UHF.
LCM-1E - Wikiwand
The LCM-1E is a class of amphibious mechanized landing craft manufactured by Navantia at their factory in San Fernando. These craft are intended to deliver troops and equipment onshore from amphibious assault ships during amphibious assaults.
LHD Landing Craft (LLC) – Royal Australian Navy - Marine Jet Power
The LCM-1E is a class of amphibious Landing Craft, Mechanized (LCM) manufactured by Navantia who also build the LHD hulls. In Royal Australian Navy service these craft are purpose built for the Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) and are referred to as LHD Landing Craft (LLC).
LCM-1E - Military Wiki | Fandom
The LCM-1E is a class of amphibious mechanized landing craft manufactured by Navantia at their factory in San Fernando. These craft are intended to deliver troops and equipment onshore from amphibious assault ships during amphibious assaults.
LCM-1E - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The LCM-1E is 110-ton class fast landing craft designed and built by Navantia shipyards for the Spanish Navy. These vessels are intended to deliver troops and equipment onshore during amphibious assaults. The craft is powered by two MAN D-2842 LE 402X engines each developing 809 Kw with two waterjets.
Las lanchas de desembarco LCM-1E de Navantia - VA DE BARCOS
2014年1月20日 · Las LCM-1E son las lanchas de desembarco con las que la marina española equipa sus buques anfibios, los LPD de clase Galicia (el Galicia y el Castilla) y el BPE Juan Carlos I. Su programa de construcción comenzó en el momento que entraron en servicio los primeros, con la finalidad de sustituir los viejos lanchones de asalto de la clase LCM-8 ...
LCM-1E Landing Craft, Mechanised - GlobalSecurity.org
The LCM-1E is a class of amphibious Landing Craft, Mechanized (LCM) manufactured by Navantia who also build the LHD hulls. In Royal Australian Navy service these craft are purpose...